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Christie Arnold <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 21:39:11 EST
text/plain (125 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Wow!!!! I received at least 50 inquiries on "how" I take it (I should have
mentioned that in the post ;-) - and at least 25 on that they agree that
ginger beats anything else they tried (I lost track of the actual count
between reading them at home and work) A few actually said their doctors told
them that ginger was the best versus any medications out there - and
supposedly has no side effects. No one said that they have had any problems
with it.

I take 2 capsules of ginger (powder) at the beginning of indigestion, or any
stomach discomfort -- it seems to work on lower intestinal gas cramps too. I
bought them at GNC - I believe they were even the GNC Brand, it said FREE of
wheat and gluten on the bottle, and they're a tad bigger than a Tylenol
gelcap (I can't find the bottle to tell you the mg - I transfer everything to
child proof bottles once I get home.) I have never taken more than 2 caplets
a day - I have never needed more after taking them. Several suggested that
the ginger teas work just as well.

Several said that they take Tums to increase their Calcium intake. If you are
leery about Tums, GNC has a gluten free, high absorption calcium that must be
working for me, because I have NEVER had "fingernails" before -- and I have
only taken it about 3 weeks. GNC is trying to make all of their products
gluten-free and seeing that right on the labeling is wonderful! They have a
web site if there is not one near you... www.gnc.com (I have no affiliation)
(PS - how do you convince your doctor to do the bone density test when you
are 32???? He thinks I'm crazy!)

Also, I seem to remember something about not taking "large" doses, but I
guess that goes for everything. Otherwise, here is some extra information
passed along to me by other list members. I hope this helps everyone - and
thanks so much for all the inquiries, I wish I could have answered you all

Christie in St. Louis

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Ginger is excellent for reflux!

Heartburn And Garlic Garlic is a natural remedy for heartburn and
reflux. It is best taken as fresh garlic, not as tablets or pills. Fresh
garlic also supports normal bowel flora, and kills H. pylori, which has
been indicated as a cause of stomach ulcers.

Acid Reflux And Wormwood Reflux esophagitis is an inflammation of the
esophagus and is often caused by acid from the stomach refluxing back up
into the esophagus. We commonly experience this as heartburn. This may
or may not be accompanied by a hiatal hernia, and possibly other
symptoms. The antioxidants in Wormwood will decrease the over-acidity
and protect against inflammation and ulceration.

Heartburn And Gastric Reflux When indigestion and heartburn occur after
eating, stomach acids and bitter-tasting bile can rise up to the throat
and mouth. This usually produces the characteristic pain and burning of
heartburn. Take homeopathic Natrum Phosphoricum every five minutes for
relief. Don't overfill the stomach and consider proper food combining if
the problem persists.

Stomach Ulcers And Plantains A substance in unripe plantain bananas will
protect the lining of the digestive tract and assist the healing process
in ulcerous conditions. Your local health food store may have a tablet
extract that is easy to take.

Artichoke And Dyspepsia Powdered artichoke and artichoke-based products
are used to treat upset stomach, to protect the liver from toxins and to
cleanse the gallbladder.  However, taken in large amounts and/or taken
continuously over a long period of time, artichoke can decrease blood
clotting time. For those on anticoagulant drugs or with a blood clotting
disorder, limit your use of this product to the recommended dosage on
your product's label.

Aloe And Constipation Aloe contains compounds called anthraquinones that
will cause a gentle contraction of the walls of the colon. This produces
a bowel movement, usually within six hours. Aloe Vera juice, NOT Aloe
Vera gel, can safely be used for occasional constipation. If your
problem is chronic, look to your diet and water intake as a more
permanent solution.

From Prescription for Natural Healing:

"Ginger cleanses the colon, reduces spasms and cramps, and stimulates
circulation.  A stong antioxident and effective antimicrobial agent for sores
and wounds.  Useful for bowel disorders, circulatory problems, fever, hot
flashes, indegestion, morning sickness, motion sickness, nausea, and vomiting.

Can cause stomach distress if taken in large quantities."

From The Complete Medicinal Herbal : "Cautions: Avoid excessive ampounts
of ginger if the stomach is already hot and overstimulated, as in peptec
ulceration.  Use ginger with respect in early pregnancy, although it can
be safely taken for morning sickness in doses described.

Dried Root Capsules:

Take 1-2x 200 mg capsules before a journey for travel sickness. Up to 1 g
doses for morning sickness in pregnancy

Essential Oil:

Use 1-2 drops on a sugar lump or in half a teaspoon of honey for flatulence,
menstrual cramps, nausea, or stomach upsets.

Crystallized Ginger:

Chew a small piece for relief."

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I second the motion on ginger--I use liberally and often, and it is a
wonderful herb.  It not only soothes the tummy, it has anti inflammatory
properties, and helps people with vertigo and motion sickness.  Read any of
Dr. Andrew Weil's books--he touts ginger, and no wonder--it has no side
effects, and is all natural, besides.

Hear hear for ginger! And whatever you do, stay away from peppermint!  It
really exacerbates reflux.

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You know this may seem very odd, but it is one of the old grandma home
remedies, eating a plain raw baking potatoes pealed, cures heart burn
associated with acid reflux as well.