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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Ann Whelan <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 29 Mar 2002 15:30:34 EST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have received several requests for addresses and guidance on who to address
letters to in support of appropriations to cover Dr. Kasarda's research on
grains and their relations to celiac disease. Here is what I was able to find

The most important people to contact are the chairs of the Senate and House
subcommittees on Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies. In the
Senate, that's Senator Kohl from Wisconsin and in the House it's Henry
Bonilla from Texas. Anyone can address letters to them, but if you live in
Wisconsin or Texas, it's doubly important that you do so.
       Next in importance are the individual members of the subcommittees. In
addition to Senato Kohl, these are the members of the Senate subcommittee:
Tom Harken (Iowa) Dorgan, (ND), Diane Feinstein, (CA,) Durbin, (IL), Johnson
(SD), Murray (WA), Byrd (WV), Cochran (MS), Arlen Specter (PA), Bond (MO),
McConnell (KY), Burns (MT), Craig (ID) and Stevens (AK). So if you live in
any of these states, it's especially important that you contact your Senator.
 While all these Senators are important, Senator Diane Feinstein is
especially important because the Western Regional Research Center is in her
state and therefore employs people in her state.
       In addition to Henry Bonilla, the House subcommittee members are James
Walsh (NY), Jack Kingston (GA), George Nethercutt, Jr. (WA), Tom Latham
(Iowa), Jo Ann Emerson (Missouri), Virgin Goode, Jr. (VA), Ray LaHood (IL),
Marcy Kaptur (Ohio), Rosa De Lauro, (Connecticut), Maurice Hinchey (NY), Sam
Farr (CA), and Allen Boyd (FL). If you live in one of their districts, it is
especially important that you contact your representative.
       In terms of how to contact, them, I'm told it goes like this, from
most impact to lesser impact: personal visit, letter, phone call, form
letter, e-mail. Obviously using more than one method will increase impact. If
you write a letter, simply address it to Name, US Senate or US House or
Representatives, Washington, DC 20505.

The same methods would apply to the members of the Senate and House
Appropriations committees. Senator Byrd from West Virginia is chair of the
Senate Appropriations Committee and CW Bill Young from Florida is chair of
the House Appropriations Committee.  I'm not going to list the committee
members because the list is quite long. You can find them at the following

www.senate.gov/committees/index.cfm or

In the event that no one from your state is on any of these committees, you
can still contact your own Senator or Representative and hope he or she has
some interest in the topic or maybe in you! And you can also contact the
committee and subcommittee chairs and Senator Diane Feinstein, since they
seem to be the most important in terms of influence.

* Please remember some posters may be WHEAT-FREE, but not GLUTEN-FREE *