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Janet Hacker <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 1 Jul 2002 21:17:26 -0500
text/plain (66 lines)
>Of course, the first question is to ask yourself if you
>truly are overweight or have bought into one of the many
>idiotic "Twiggy" (remember her?) image remakes.  Is it truly
>fat or bone and muscle?

Tsayonah, I WISH it were just a body image problem!  I'm 4'11 and weigh 160
lbs... it might not be so bad, but it borders on obesity, and I just feel
unhealthy.... I used to run when I was thinner, and I want to get my weight
back down to the point where I can run again....

Assuming that you really do have
>some excess insulation, then:
>What were you eating before?  Was it vastly different from
>paleo or is there only moderate change?  The bigger the
>change, the more results, I would think...

Oh, yes, Tsayonah, it is VERY different!  I was vegan (a junk-food vegan,
but vegan nonetheless).  Carbohydrates (mainly sugar) was my drug of
choice!  But I just started feeling terrible and my skin was (and still is)
breaking out and I just felt sluggish.

I remembered, when I was on neanderthin the first time, how much energy I
had and how healthy I felt!  I didn't feel the need to curl up on the couch
after dinner and sleep my carbs off!

It just seems that since I've turned 40, I can't lose my weight!

>Here's what I eat in a typical day:
>Breakfast: fruit and/or eggs and/or meat, whatever I'm in
>the mood for :)  This time of season, the fruit is usually
>berries, melon, a peach....but watch those high sugar
>Lunch & dinner: I carry food if I'm going to be out of the
>house.  I have too many allergies which include beef which
>makes it difficult to eat out except maybe at a buffet....I
>eat pork, buffalo, chicken, fish and shellfish.  These can
>be eaten cold as in a salad or hot (reheat in the microwave
>or cook fresh if home).  NO readymade salad dressings.
>Thinking in terms of the old diet "exchanges" it would be
>1-2 meat servings, 2-3 veggies and 1 fruit for each meal.
>Sometimes I save something for a snack if I'm not hungry
>enuf to eat it all at one meal.  I am careful not to eat the
>same foods two days in a row as this is said to help avoid
>creating more allergies while my body heals.  Ray's book
>NEANDERTHIN has some good recipe suggestions to get started.
>One place you may be sabotaging yourself unknowingly is with
>grains.  I started with a celiac diet which excludes wheat,
>barley, rye and sometimes oats.  Man, this culture puts
>grain in everything!  There is a reference listing "safe"
>and "forbidden" foods for celiacs at:
>Perhaps you are accidentally getting some grain

Thank you!  I'll check the celiac website out...

>Also, two weeks is not very long.  Ray says it sometimes
>takes a while for our bodies to readjust to the new style.
>Enzyme production has to change....maybe you just need to
>give it more time.

That's what my husband says!  And I know you're right... I'm just ready to
feel good again, and maybe I'm getting impatient!