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William Elkus <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Jan 1997 06:28:13 GMT
text/plain (20 lines)
Anne Washburn said:
>I also would like to comment that there is no need to "combine" foods for
>complete protein. This idea came from a book published years ago, called
>"Diet for a small planet," and the author has since reconsidered and
>published a correction that she was wrong about this! If you eat a
>balanced diet throughout the day or week, you will get what you need of
Could you please post more details on this?  I heard that the only correction
she made was to the concept that the protein must be balanced AT EACH MEAL.
I was told the author now understands that the body can combine the various
amino acids during the day, so the combining of proteins could be thought of
as necessary within a day or two, not specifically balanced at each meal.
I have read studies sponsored by the U.N. on rice protein deficiency which
predate "Diet for a Small Planet" and which discuss the lysine and threonine
deficiencies  in rice, and how to balance them with legumes ....I doubt she
came up with the concept of balancing proteins.