Kansara Mahendra
P. O. Box 73
Djibouti / Republic
Tel+fax (253)353115
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Good day.
I have one old computer with 286 processor working nice but having very limited working space and handling capacity of WINDOWS 3.1 and DOS
I have second computer Pentium 133 processor having some problem from power supply.
This machine runs with WINDOWS 95 is installed and has HDD of 2GB
Is it possible to use only case and power supply of the older computer on which I will shift the mb and all the components HDD+ZIP DRIVE+CD+3.5 and 5.25 FDD (HDD works just fine but due to the power supply problem, many clusters are more and more becoming BAD - also it is partitioned because WINDOWS 95 cant' allow more then 1 or 2 GB but I can access to the partitionned 'D' drive. There are some downloaded files which I would like to recover.)
Can you please advice if above is possible.
Thanks a lot
M. Kansara
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