At 12:32 AM 7/8/97 -0700, you wrote:
>When I read posts by people who describe their typical
>daily diets, I am struck by the relatively low amounts
>of fruits and vegetables... it looks like some NeanderThinners
>are on something fairly close to the Atkins diet. I have read
>The Paleolithic Prescription, and the consumption of great
>quantities of high-fibre veggies is really emphasized. So are
>you Atkins-esque paleodieters eating that way because it
>is in line with Audette's book, or for some other reason?
Well, yes, I'm doing pretty much Atkins with less/no dairy. However, I am
eating vegetables with every meal -- a largeish salad and meat for lunch,
and a large helping of veggies with my meat for dinner. And I'm eating
lots and lots of nuts. A little fruit, here and there, too. I seem to be
allergic to a lot of fruits (things in the peach family, like nectarines
and plums), so I don't eat much of those; one nectarine makes my face itch.
>My second question relates to domesticated meat sources.
>I gather that many of you eat beef and stuff right from the
>supermarket, since it is not always easy or cost-effective
>to get wild game-type sources. Well, in the quantities you
>are eating meat, are you not concerned about modern additives
>and chemicals in the meat? Dean E. observed that this is
>a real problem with dairy, but I thought that the situation
>might be at least as bad with meat.
I eat meat that I get from the deli/butcher shop around the corner from my
house. I don't know about additives in the meat; someday I'll get a
freezer and get beef from a local farmer, but haven't gotten that far yet.
In the mean time, there are other things to worry about.
I am *NOT* a rabid feminist! I had my shots last year.