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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Paul Sand <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 11:01:23 +0100
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
>From: Marianne Fuller <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: [P-F] mass confusion
>Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 09:37:52 -0500
>-> 60g protein/day, max; 55g/day if I can, NO MORE THAN 15G @ MEAL/SNACK
>-> as many ultra-low carb veggies I like
>-> as little saturated fat as possible but all the good fats I please
>I find this mailing list really interesting but I must say I am totally
>confused by the amount of information, much of it conflicting, that I read
>here. I thought I was confused when I read Cordain's and Audette's books at
>the same time, because they disagree on a few points, but that was nothing
>compared to my current confusion. How does one figure out how much protein
>to eat per day? how many vegetables? how many fruits? Cordain says eat all
>the veg and fruits you want, Audette says limit fruits and mostly eat
>berries, also limit veg and mostly eat green leafy stuff. People on this
>list say everything in between, and the ins and outs of fructose and
>and glucose have caused my head to explode. The thing I liked about this
>diet was the seeming simplicity: eat lots of lean meat, fruit, vegetables,
>and nuts. Now it's starting to seem so complex I dream of going back to
>PowerBars - they are totally unhealthy but I still have brain cells
>available for other things than what I eat! What am I missing about all

Good advice: stop reading :)

For  last few years I read probably hundred if not thousand different
articles on what's good what's bad, etc. Now I found that 90% of them are
useless from my personal point of view since they don't work for me. Good
example is carb-loading on low carb diets. It makes perfect sense in theory,
there are many researches to back it up but the only problem is that it
doesn't work for me and makes me feel miserable.

I think after gaining the basic knowledge you should start to listen to your
body and don't care too much if the particular item is on the "allowed-list"
in any diet plan.

For me too much carbs is too much no matter if I eat rice or banana or
carrots.In emergency I'd rather eat cottage cheese than apple since it gives
me more energy;

People make their lives too complicated following any diets.

Paul Sand
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