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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Fri, 28 Dec 2001 08:25:34 -0800
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Seems Advil is GF.  Here are some other responses which may help:


Advil tablets are gluten free. I don't remember the exact date, but I did
confirm Advil's gf status with the manufacturer within the last 6 months.


I recommend a blend that works for me.  I drink it once a week for
overall pain: 3 oz raw butter 1 T raw cold-packed honey (not heated over
100 degrees) 2 raw fertile eggs 5 T. raw bee pollen 1.5 oz fresh-
squeezed lemon juice

I also drink the same, but without the bee pollen, twice a day.  It
keeps me pain-free.  The eggs should never be refrigerated (unless you
can't buy them direct from a farmer, in which case you buy them
refrigerated but store them in the cupboard).  Also, the butter can be
made from cream if you can't find a dairy to buy butter from.  But it
has to be made from raw milk.  You may need to order these things if you
have no local store near you.


We use the IBUPROFEN from Cosco.  It is GF.




The manufacturers of Advil told me a couple of months ago that it was
gluten free and I have been using it every day because of muscle and
bone aches and pains (on the diet only 10 weeks). Unfortunately, I do
not at this point appear to be very sensitive to gluten so I can't tell
you what my body says about it.