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Mon, 11 Feb 2002 16:41:50 -0500
Miki Tracey <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (37 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>


I know i post alot but this is really critical.  I have, without a
doubt, clinical depression, (or situational, at this point it doesn't
mater), and am approaching critical intervention time.  I have an
appointment with a psychiatrist, like, two weeks from today.  But that
might be too long.  I called my doctor to ask for a drug which she had
told me to research, however the companies can't/won't give me any more
information. My doctor is unwilling to contact the manufacturers, as is
my pharmacist.  I spent 20 minutes on the phone with my doctor crying my
head off and all i got was well there' cant be enough of the casein/soy
in the products to make you sick (an obvious falsehood) and 'we don't
have time to help you'.  Oh, and 'we don't know if exercise will help
you or not'.

My options are
Serzone, Celexa, Prozac, Effexor

All are verified gluten free But i can't get them to tell me with any
degree of certainty if they are casein or soy free.  They'd be glad to
talk to my doctor or pharmacist about it.  But neither will call them.

is anybody out there gluten/casein/milk/soy free and taking one of those

Thanks for your help, i know i've posted about this before, but since
then i've had to add milk and soy to the forbidden list.

It's horrible and i can't take the everything free GNC st johns wort
because it makes me manic.  At least mentally.

Miki Tracey
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