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Sat, 6 Oct 2001 20:19:39 -0500
Arden LaBonte <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Barbara was unable to post this so I'm trying. Arden in Mn.

I got many, many emails about this. I don't know what happened, but
somewhere between my computer and the posting the fractions didn't come
through accurately. I posted the corrected recipe to the list last
night, but it has not been posted. I have a new email address and a new
internet provider and the new address is not working correctly. I don't
know if the corrected recipe hasn't been posted because it wasn't
received or if it is because it was posted with an unfamiliar return
address. There were so many inquiries about this and I was out of town
also and didn't know until recently that it had been posted erroneously.
I am going to copy the corrected recipe for you and would appreciate it
if you would post it so that others can also have it. (There were way
too many for me to respond to individually.) Thank you.

Barbara in OK

Alice's Bread Revised

1 and three fourths cup rice flour
one fourth cup soy flour
1 cup potato starch flour
one fourth cup rice bran
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon, rounded, salt
1 tablespoon methylcellulose*
1 teaspoon xanthum gum
three fourths teaspoon cream of tartar
one half teaspoon baking soda
1 and three fourths cup warm water
2 tablespoons oil
1 tablespoon butter
1 and one half teaspoon yeast

Mix dry ingredients. Combine water, oil and butter and yeast if using
regular yeast. (I use SAF instant yeast and I make it a little scant of
the amount given.) Mix with Kitchenaid Mixer on power 6 (above medium)
for exactly 2 minutes. (Too much beating will cause it to fall during
baking or immediately after.) Divide into 3 parts and put in the little
size bread pans (about 5 inches by 3 inches). Let rise until it rounds
at the top of the pan (probably between 40 to 50 minutes). Bake about 20
minutes on a little bit more than 350 degrees, but not quite 375
degrees. (Or maybe you can start it on 375 degrees and then turn it down
for the last 10 minutes). It is possible that this recipe will work in a
full size pan, but I have had so many failures with the larger pans, and
have so little time for failures, that I haven't tried it yet.

2 variations: 1)Add a rounded one-half teaspoon cinnamon and some
raisins to one of the three pans. 2)Add about one-half teaspoon chili
powder, dash of hot red pepper flakes, and 2 Tablespoons roasted green
chilies, chopped, to one of the three pans.

*Methylcellulose: Honestly, I don't know what this is, but I think it's
something like xanthum gum and guar gum. You can get it from Miss
Roben's at www.missroben.com. (I have no affiliation with Miss Roben's.)