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Peter Altschul <[log in to unmask]>
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Peter Altschul <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 12:51:11 -0400
text/plain (275 lines)
The New York Times

April 22, 2003

Internet Is Losing Ground in Battle Against Spam

Alyx Sachs is no longer sending people e-mail offering to "fix your credit 
risk free."

Confronted by an increasing number of individuals, businesses and Internet 
service providers using software meant to identify and discard unwanted junk
e-mail ¯ commonly known as spam ¯ Ms. Sachs has been forced to become more 
creative in her marketing pitches. The subject line on her credit e-mail, for
example, now reads "get a fresh start."

 From a small office on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, millions of 
messages prepared on behalf of others by Ms. Sachs and her partner are 
still going out
to e-mail in-boxes every day, promising not just to restore a poor credit 
rating but also to sell printer ink, 3-D glasses and, lately, even playing 
with pictures of wanted Iraqi leaders.

In the cat-and-mouse game of e-mail marketers and those trying to stop 
them, the spammers are still winning.

So far, nothing that has been tried to block spam has done much more than 
inconvenience mass e-mailers. Just as Ms. Sachs's company, NetGlobalMarketing,
has been able to reword its e-mail to evade spam filters, others use even 
more aggressive tricks to disguise the content of their messages and to send
them via circuitous paths so their true origin cannot be determined.

"There is no silver bullet," said Lisa Pollock, the senior director of 
messaging at
the popular Web portal. "There will always be people who can find a way to 
get around whatever you have in place."

No doubt making a living selling things by e-mail is becoming harder. Not 
only are more messages being blocked by automated antispam systems, more 
of e-mail are also facing legal action. Last week, America Online and the 
Federal Trade Commission each filed suit against e-mailers that they say are
illict spammers. Congress is seriously considering legislation to crack 
down on spam.

But the infestation is growing faster than the antispammers can keep up. 
Brightmail, which makes spam-filtering software for corporate networks and big
Internet providers, says that 45 percent of the e-mail it now sees is junk, 
up from 16 percent in January 2002. America Online says the amount of spam
aimed at its 35 million customers has doubled since the beginning of this 
year and now approaches two billion messages a day, more than 70 percent of the
total its users receive.

Indeed, the spam problem defies ready solution. The Internet e-mail system, 
designed to be flexible and open, is fundamentally so trusting of participants
that it is easy to hide where an e-mail message is coming from and even 
what it is about.

Another reason there is so much spam is that, with a simple computer hookup 
and a mailing list, it is remarkably easy and inexpensive to start a career
in e-mail marketing. Companies that offer products like vitamins and home 
mortgages as well as those selling items like penis and breast enlargement kits
will allow nearly any e-mail marketer to pitch their wares, paying a 
commission for any completed transaction.

The microscopic cost of sending e-mail, compared with the price of postal 
mailings, allows senders to make money on products bought by as little as one
recipient for every 100,000 e-mail messages. Internet marketing companies 
typically charge $500 to $2,000 to send a solicitation to a million in-boxes,
but the cost goes up if the list is from a reputable source or is focused 
on people in certain favored demographic groups. Sending the same offer to a
million people by mail costs at least $40,000 for a list, $190,000 for 
bulk-rate postage and more for paper and printing.

Albert Ahdoot, for example, started a part-time business using e-mail to 
sell printer-ink refill systems while he was in college. When he dropped out of
medical school, he hooked up with Ms. Sachs, a former producer with Geraldo 
Rivera who later worked in marketing at several Internet companies. With her
client contacts, his technology and some e-mail lists they acquired, they 
started their business about a year ago.

Like many in the e-mail marketing business, Ms. Sachs says her e-mail 
blitzes are not spam because she sends them only to lists of people who 
have agreed
to receive marketing offers over the Internet. These opt-in lists, as they 
are called, are generated when Internet users enter a contest on the Web or
sign up for an e-mail list in which the fine print says the user agrees to 
receive "occasional offers of products you might find valuable from our 

Arguing that no one is forced to sign up for e-mail pitches, Internet 
marketers say that the attack on spam has already gone too far, interfering 
with legitimate

"We have allowed these spam cops to rise out of nowhere to be 
self-appointed police and block whole swaths of the industry," said Bob 
Dallas, an executive
of Empire Towers, an e-mail firm in Toledo, Ohio, widely cited on antispam 
lists used by many Internet companies.

"This is against everything that America stands for," Mr. Dallas added. 
"The consumer should be the one in control of this."

But activists who oppose spam say that some e-mailers who argue that they 
have permission to send e-mail to a certain address often do not. Earlier this
year, a New York court ruled that a Niagara Falls, N.Y., company, 
MonsterHut, had violated antifraud laws for misrepresenting opt-in permissions.

Lower on the marketing totem pole than opt-in mailing is what the industry 
calls bulk e-mailing: blasting a message out to any e-mail address that can be
found. CD-ROM's with tens of millions of e-mail addresses are widely 
available ¯ advertised by e-mail, of course. These addresses have been 
harvested by
software robots that read message boards, chat rooms and Web sites.

Others use what are called dictionary attacks, sending mail to every 
conceivable address at major e-mail providers ¯ first, say, JohnA, then
JohnB, and so on ¯ to find the legitimate names.

Such distinctions, however, are usually lost on users who, in recent years, 
have found unwanted marketing pitches are overwhelming their legitimate e-mail.

As dissatisfaction has risen, the big Internet service providers, like AOL, 
and purveyors of free e-mail accounts, including Yahoo and
Hotmail, have all greatly accelerated efforts to identify and block spam. 
Among other things, they have created prominent buttons for users to report 
e-mail as spam.

There is little that Internet services can do to keep spammers from 
gathering e-mail addresses directly from users. Many people still will type 
their life history into an unknown Web site that claims to be offering a 
chance to win a Lexus.

But some Internet providers have built systems to identify when they are 
being subject to dictionary attacks and cut them off quickly before valid 
addresses are deduced.

To identify phrases and other patterns that occur in spam, the Internet 
service providers look at what is received in thousands of so-called 
honeypot e-mail
accounts ¯ those that have no legitimate reason to receive e-mail messages.

The spammers quickly caught on to this technique, however. So they have 
varied their messages ¯ morphing, they call it ¯ often by simply appending 
words or characters, so the filtering systems no longer see millions of 
identical solicitations.

At the same time, e-mail users now receive spam that is not only unwanted 
but cryptic, too. In an attempt to avoid automatic filters that search for 
phrases, marketers offer, for example, "Her bal V1agra" and ways to make 
"F*A*S*T C*A*S*H."

So the Internet companies now look for unusual spelling as well. "Some 
people have jobs that change day to day," said Charles Stiles, the 
technical manager
of AOL's postmaster team, which looks after spam blocking. "Ours changes 
from minute to minute. A filter that works one day will likely not work the 

Another way spammers avoid detection is to send mail using the HTML format, 
the language mainly used to display Web pages. Spammers and major advertisers
alike think that e-mail with varied type and inserted graphic images is 
more persuasive than ordinary text. But the spammers also find that this format
makes it easier to evade the filtering programs.

A lot of spam now puts the actual sales pitch in an image that is only 
displayed when the user reads her e-mail. The filter reads merely some 
random text
and the Web address of the image to be displayed.

Spam filters are now being adjusted to be suspicious of e-mails that only 
have links to Web images. But it is still hard for any program to distinguish,
say, a pornographic come-on from a baby picture, especially when processing 
hundreds of millions of messages a day.

At the same time, the argument is intensifying over what represents 
legitimate e-mail, particularly when it ends up being blocked by an 
antispam filter.
Last November, AOL threatened to block e-mail from Gap. Even though Gap 
said it only sent e-mail to people who explicitly signed up for its mailing 
AOL said that many of its members reported Gap mailings as spam. When it 
investigated, AOL found that Gap had been offering people a 10 percent discount
for providing their e-mail address. Nearly a third of the addresses 
collected were fake, but they often belonged to other people who did not 
want the Gap

"You can't underestimate the power of people to make up an e-mail address 
to get a 10 percent discount," said Matt Korn, AOL's executive vice president
for network operations.

The other major approach to preventing spam is to block any messages sent 
from computers and e-mail addresses known to be used by spammers. This is 
than it seems because the spammers are constantly changing their accounts 
and are adept at methods to make up fake return addresses and hide behind 
accounts. That does not prevent the big service providers, and an army of 
spam vigilantes, from creating blacklists of offenders.

These blacklists, however, often also block legitimate companies and 
individuals from sending e-mail. That is because the spammers find ways to 
hijack unprotected
computers to relay their messages, thus hiding their true origins.

In the earlier, more innocent days of the Internet, many computers were set 
up to relay e-mail sent by any other user, anonymously, just to give a helping
hand to those with connection problems. Now there still are computers set 
up to be what is known as an open relay, even though such machines are largely
used by spammers.

Another approach to limiting spam, which is favored by big marketers, is to 
create a "white list" of approved senders, but this raises the question of who
will compile such a list. A group of the companies that send e-mail on 
behalf of major corporations will put forward another proposal tomorrow 
that would
allow senders to certify their identities in every e-mail message they send 
and report a rating of how much they comply with good mailing standards. Users
and Internet service providers would then decide what sort of mail they 
choose to accept.

"We wanted to come up with a way of shining a big bright light on all those 
that want to stand in the light and say, `This is who I am, and I was that 
yesterday, and I'll be that person tomorrow,' " said Hans Peter Brondmo, a 
senior vice president at Digital Impact, a major e-mail company and one of the
developers of the proposal, known as project Lumos.

Rather than such a self-regulatory approach, the antispam legislation in 
the Senate would try to make many deceptive e-mail practices illegal. It would
force commercial e-mail messages to identify the true sender, have an 
accurate subject line and offer recipients an easy way to remove their 
names from
marketing lists. And it would impose fines for violators.

For her part, Ms. Sachs, the e-mail marketer, says that any such move would 
only end up making it harder to run a legitimate business.

"These antispammers should get a life," she said. "Do their fingers hurt 
too much from pressing the delete key? How much time does that really take from
their day?"

By contrast, she said, "70 million people have bad credit. Guess what? Now 
I can't get mail through to them to help them."

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