Jenn-my physical med/rehab doc botoxed my quads and the effects wore off in
2.5 months. It was too soon to botox again so he did the phoenal injections
to my obturator nerves, and it did absolutely nothing with respect to the
pain. I am in college and the semester is quickly coming to an end and I am
seriously considering orthopedic surgery due to the chronic pain in my knees
when I walk. I am also on 50 mg. of baclofen twice a day and the side
effects are kind of bad. My thoughts dont readily come to fruition and I
find myself searching for words (if that makes any sense). I am tired all
the time and taking 12 credits. It is hard to take 12 credits and deal with
continuing difficulties with spasticity!
Thanks for reponding to me. It is not fun to be in pain and be so young.