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Deri James <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 28 Nov 2001 22:49:38 +0000
text/plain (38 lines)
On Wednesday 28 Nov 2001 11:11 am, jd wrote:
> Rayna's falling has me wondering about something. Alex
> has moderate spastic quad CP. He is the worlds
> champion crawler, plays his own version of baseball,
> basketball,golf,hockey on his knees. It can be quite
> hilarous as he plays both defense and offense in the
> team sports,at the same time and keeps up a running
> commentary ;). To walk he needs a walker, afo's and a
> hip/thigh brace to stabilize him and even then he
> won't stand independantly. He appears to enjoy
> "walking" if you judge by the smile on his face but it
> obviously requires lots of effort. The question...when
> you were 6 or just starting to walk independantly were
> you afraid to stand alone/walk because of falling?
> what does it feel like? Is it a brain thing, like you
> get dizzy when you have a fever, a leg thing that the
> legs just aren't as strong, a perception thing as
> things must look differant standing as oppose to being
> on the  floor. How can I help give him confidence. I
> know walking at this point is an alternative mode of
> ambulation and most likely will never be his main
> means of motion which is ok  but I would like him to
> have as many options as possible.
> Joanne
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Some CPers (my  wife included) have problems with depth perception.
It must be very scary. So although she has better control of her
limbs, she has problems walking without some sort of support.

