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Fri, 21 Sep 2001 08:32:03 -0700
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Chuck replied:

Craig, I would look for a book called "The Fateful Triangle -- the U.S.,
Israel and Palestine" by Noam Chomsky. It's a thick books, Chomsky
style, with lots of footnotes, references and further reading. Go for
it, and weep for all who die and who will die this weekend.
Chuck Armsbury, Senior Editor
The Razor Wire

"Siviour, Craig" wrote:

> G'Day All,
> One of the factors said to motivate
> Bin Laden's attack on New York (assuming
> it was Bin Laden) is continuing US support
> for the oppression of Palestinians.
> However, a friend tells me that the
> Palestinians are basically unwanted
> and rejected by the Arab world itself.
> He says, for example, that Arab nations
> refused Palestinians permission to resettle
> following their eviction from Israel in 1947.
> Can someone please clarify the status
> of Palestinians in the greater Arab world?
> A pointer to a good essay on the Web
> would be great.
> Thanks,
> Craig