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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Mr Makaveli <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Dec 2001 23:48:51 -0600
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)
 I couldn't agree with you more. Hell, let him take a chance. Why not? We
all need a little thrill in our lives every now and then. So I say go right
ahead Comrade ML. Have PHUN !

KB, it's been on my mind for sometime but I've never said it publicly.
That the poor smug's middle name is 'Jassey'? Apparently I've been
spelling it "Jasseh" until it was brought to my attention by one list
member. 'Jassey' in wolof translate 'A very sharp sword/object'. Perhaps
we should have been more careful dealing with this man. He is practically
a joke. And if he thinks his encomium that "The interest of the Gambia is
above all" puts him above the fray, he must be more pathetic than I had
originally thought.

As far as I'm concerned he is nothing but a counterfeit. The man is faker
than the new 100 dollar bill. For him to think he can mesmerize
sophisticated G'lers with euphemistic language(words that shade the truth)
and make us settle for that baloney, has to be the dumbest darn thing he's
ever done. Dampha, how soon can we begin to quarantine these mental
midgets in our midst? I am really getting sick and tired of being caught
off guard. Can you believe the words coming out of this goofball's mouth?

From: Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Comrade "Jamfa" Jassey-Conteh
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Dec 05, 2001

When I saw Jassey-conteh’s nauseating flip-flop, I told myself that I should
just ignore the hypocrite and not seek to moralize with the man. I thought
it would be a waste of time to try and talk sense into conteh. The man has
clearly lost it and no amount of reasoning can help him see the light.

Because he does not have the wherewithal to defend the indefensible, he will
conveniently ignore all arguments people throw at him, and simply
concentrate on pleasing his leader (SM Dibba). You can take Conteh to the
stream, but just like you cannot force a donkey to drink, you cannot force
Conteh to get it into his thick skull that he is a sell-out. Here I seek not
to convince Conteh to deviate from his disastrous path. I say, let the moron
hang himself. I also do not seek to show the man the flip-flop he made.
George Sarr did a good job of reminding him some of the utterances he made
against Yaya.

I seek here to lament how the moron took people (including myself) for a
ride. Granted, towards the Election period Conteh showed his colors to some
of us and we cut him loose.

Gambians Online " Designed With The Gambian People In Mind"


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