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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 13:58:31 -0400
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Saiks, with all due respect, it is this type of nonsensical mumbo jumbo that
contributed immensely to why people are in the predicament they currently
find themselves. This silly rhetoric against PPP ended up portraying Yaya as
a ‘dynamic young leader’ fighting old and failed politicians. In actual
fact, we all know that the ‘PPP scare-tactic’ was a vicious fraud
perpetrated on the Gambian people.

The notion that Darboe was going to be dominated by the PPP and he is just a
PPP stooge has NEVER been backed up by any Darboe detractor. What all of you
keep saying is that the simple presence of PPP stalwarts in the Alliance
presupposes that Darboe is a stooge. Of course this is an irrational
argument. Former PPP stalwarts are also very active in APRC. Matter of fact,
they are more active in APRC. Did we ever hear you condemn Yaya for being a
PPP stooge? What has Darboe ever done to suggest to you that he is a PPP
stooge or if he was voted into office he will bring back the PPP days and
NOT move the country forward? I am all ears. And don’t give me the crap that
people should NOT allow former PPP stalwarts to participate in Party
politics. I am sure you are NOT a proponent of Decree 89. So, if we agree
that former PPP stalwarts should participate in the elections, the question
then becomes, in what role. Should the Alliance woe them for their support
or leave them to abstain or go vote for APRC? What you are trying to say is
that you hate PPP so much that you would rather abstain or vote for APRC
than be in an Alliance with PPP.

This sick rationale did NOT even want to give Darboe the opportunity to
prove that he can lead the country without being unduly influenced by PPP.
Do you realize how unfair this is to the man that has fought tirelessly
throughout his life to defend defenseless Gambians during both the PPP and
APRC regimes? How do you explain the fact that both Sam Sillah (former PPP
candidate for Bakau) and Dembo Bojang (former NCP candidate for Bakau) are
members of the UDP and when it was election time, UDP chose Bojang and NOT
Sillah to represent them in Bakau. I brought this point up several time
during the campaign season. Have the decency to explain why you think Darboe
is a stooge.

Now is NOT time for finger-pointing and accusing people unjustifiably for
the election debacle. Some in the Opposition did a better job than the APRC
of deflecting attention from both Darboe and Yaya and instead focusing on
nonentities that were no longer in power. By focusing on PPP, you
unwittingly portrayed Yaya as a ‘dynamic savior’ for the Gambian people. Of
course we all know that the moron CANNOT save us. All that talk about
wanting to know PPP mistakes in order to avoid them in future, has been
reduced to zip. Just how is all that anti-PPP propaganda helping us now?

The murderers of our children still roam the streets of Banjul unpunished.
Yaya and his cohorts will still continue to steal money from poor Gambians.
Your buddy Dumo is still in jail. As we speak/write more Gambians are being
arrested and incarcerated while APRC thugs are given a free hand to
brutalize defenseless citizens. Just maybe, if Darboe was elected the ‘bad’
PPP people will NOT succeed in preventing him from doing the right thing and
freeing people like Dumo. But we would NOT know. Would we? The man was NEVER
given a chance by people like you (and your dangerous rhetoric) to show what
he is capable of doing.

>From: saiks samateh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Tombong Should be Delisted!!
>Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 11:57:30 -0400
>Just a short note here,I know you will agree with me that one does not
>contribute money or time to a political alliance(PPP alliance) with a
>history of 3 decades of political brutality and economic mismanagement.
>For Freedom
>Malamin Johnson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >Mr Jobe:
> >
> >I share your frustrations on the elections and Tombong's
> >propaganda/misinformation on Gambia_l. However, lets tone down on
> >labeling/name calling Tombong or any other APRC supporter. I just don't
> >us to raise the tension on this list and start getting personal with
> >individuals we disagree with.We conceded to them with class, now let
> >that spirit on the L. This is just a brotherly advise from me.
> >
> >On a different note, I read in the POINT Newspaper that one of the
> >the Coalition lost the elections was due to inadequate funding they
> >from us(Gambian overseas). The article went on to state that after
> >Dibba pulled out of the coalition talks, some of us who contributed asked
> >for, contributions back. According to the paper, we sent $2,000 to help
> >coalition.
> >
> >I truly believe for the talk we have done on Gambia_l, we did not
> >If the amount the  paper quoted is correct, we failed our country
> >Gambians are one of the nicest people on this earth but when it comes to
> >putting our money to help a cause, our generousity fades. Can some please
> >prove the preceding statement wrong. I made this sad statement because of
> >the following:
> >
> >1. The mammogram machine donated for Gambia in Atlanta.
> >2. Fund raising efforts to help victims of April 10 & 11 2000.
> >   initiated by Sigga Jagne and Yankuba njie.
> >3. Our financial support to the UDP/PPP/GPP coalition
> >4. Massacre Action Plan( for victims of April 10&11
> >
> >The number of Gambians who contributed constitute less than 1% of
> >in the US. That is not commitment at all. I hope we see this as a
> >critism and challenge.
> >
> >Regards,
> >MJohnson
> >
> >
> >>From: Ngai Jobe <[log in to unmask]>
> >>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >><[log in to unmask]>
> >>To: [log in to unmask]
> >>Subject: Tombong Should be Delisted!!
> >>Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 09:59:23 -0500
> >>
> >>Tombong,
> >>YOu should be ashamed of yourself--that is if you have any
> >>and low-lifes like you should be treated as such...We should give you a
> >>dose
> >>of your own medicine by ignoring all that you say here. You have brought
> >>nothing to this List but garbage--Be a man for once like Mr. Mboge said
> >>respond to the many questions posed to you or better yet do your job at
> >>GRTS
> >>with honesty and sincerity.....If only people listened to me, you will
> >>delist yourself sooner than later because no one will pay any attention
> >>your constant utterances of garbage....Get a life BOY!!!!!!
> >>
> >>Ngai.
> >>
> >><<//\\>>//\\<<//\\>>//\\<<//\\>>//\\<<//\\>>//\\<<//\\>>
> >>
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> >>[log in to unmask]
> >>
> >><<//\\>>//\\<<//\\>>//\\<<//\\>>//\\<<//\\>>//\\<<//\\>>
> >
> >
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