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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
malik kah <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 24 Sep 2001 21:30:38 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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KB, Your infantile childish reasoning have clogged you sense so much so that
simple messages could no be deciphered by you. PDOIS have at least produce
material document with substance for people to talk about and what do you
and and the PPP front do just through insults onto Jammeh and call that
politics. What you fail to realise is the fact that Gambians have moved from
the realm of dealing with personalities to the realm of issues, you may be
deriving a lot of pleasure swearing at Jammeh and assuming that, that is
what would move the people. The people are gaining awareness to understand
that the politics of how to empower them is more relivant than any other
thing for if they are empowered there will never be no more  Jammeh's and
Jawras who have costed the country a lot, that is why for some of us the
struggle is to challenge all the wolves irrespective of where they hail
from. As for PDOIS there agenda is clear you only have to read what they
wrote and read Sidias interview to notice the central protogonist in all
their policies and concerns is the people, aftera all the struggle has to be
people centred otherwise the essence of liberation would be meaningless.
After all would people gain by substituting Jammeh and a PPP front, after
decades of decadence and inertia with the PPP, this is why people like you
hate what PDOIS stands for. After all they are not in it for self
aggarandisement but to utilise what belongs to the people for the whole of
society. The agenda is clear the literature is abundant if you care to read
and reflect and are honest to your self then you will see reality, after
justice and equity is wgat PDOIS stands for, but can understand your
hostility, you might be one of thosefrom whom privilege is seized from and
that is why your oppostion to Jammeh is not rational but very blind and
personal. I am indeed convinced that if I were insulting Jammeh you would
heap praises upon me but am much more broader than that. My opposition to
Jammeh as was with Jawara is nothing personal but the fact that they occupy
or occupied a position of trust and misuse it. This should be noble enough
to challenge anbody with a conscience to reflect and take intrest in the way
society and social funds are administered. May be if you take this approach
and stop the bravado and talk about issues that matter to the people you
will the respect that PDOIS have earned. But then I know this would be too
much to ask because just like your party the PPP. in guise you do not have
anything to tell the people, but enumerating things that are already known
in political point scoring, that era is gone that is why many Gambians
highly educated both at home and in the diaspora are matching in drones to
embrace PDOIS, its policies and principles are transparent whiles thw UDP
have not articulated anything. In actual fact UDP, has never written
anything of political significance if am wrong please,please post it for
people to read and debate, only those without much to say will haul
innuendos and insults and consequently alienate those who supported them in
good faith. If UDP is a matured political organisation let them speak for
themselves after all PDOIS speaks for themselves people like me are
sympathiser who see them as the answer to our problems, but they always
express themselves in very clear simple none bombastic language, if you have
problem comprehending what they say challenge it but you never come up with
anything tangible.  I hope you will help UDP win the elections with your
powerful supernatural means, if you stop talking bullocks and start talking
about the fundamentalds it will help a lot after all specialising in
insulting Jammeh or any body else is not what intrest some of us our agenda
is bigger than jammeh our agenda is to wake the people to the fact that
power belongs to them and as soon as they become aware of that then THERE
CAN NEVER EXIST THE JAMMEHS AND JAWARS. This is why priority is focused on
enlightining the people, after all every body can do what you lot are doing
swearing and shouting issues that are virtually redundant. MR CEMENT HEAD

>From: Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
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>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Attn: Yusupha Jow
>Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 09:29:20 -0400
>Yusupha, if I were you, I will do like Babs and Ngai have counseled you and
>cut this Alieu Sesay character and Ms. Joh loose. Don’t even give them the
>pleasure of being relevant at your expense. You ask the mental midgets to
>refrain from personal attacks and gutter talk, then you are left with an
>empty barrel. Just witness what Ms. Joh did. All week I was trying to tell
>the woman to refrain from whining about me and personal attacks and talk
>about PDOIS policies. What did we get from her? Recycling a PDOIS article
>that people CANNOT make head or tails of. My friend, these are the caliber
>of people we are dealing with.
>Don’t mind them. Like Ngai said, these people have grudges and deep
>inferiority complexes. It is the Yaya attitude being exhibited here. ‘If we
>are not part of it, let all Hell break loose’. That is the sort of attitude
>we are dealing with. ‘If we cannot dominate the Opposition, let Yaya stay
>there and continue to slaughter our children and loot our coffers’. Please
>have no part of that.
>We had our differences in the past. BUT one thing I or anyone else CANNOT
>take away from you is that you are one of the most brilliant Gambians and
>you came from a great family. You have nothing to be ashamed of about your
>achievements. You and your family worked darn hard for it. It is
>that we come from a society where most people do NOT appreciate the
>achievements of young men like you and Hamjatta and George Sarr. People
>you for being successful just like misguided elements in some Third World
>countries hate the Americans. You would have thought that people that
>themselves as staunch Muslims will be free from such hateful sentiments.
>then again, we are talking of nature versus nurture. You can take someone
>away from the bush, but you …… you know what I mean.
>Finally, I join others and counsel you to just ignore the morons. If they
>start understanding their Party agendas and start articulating such in
>coherent language, then we will engage them if their agendas conflict with
>ours. Until then, just let them be. We know jealous people when we see
>We know smart people when we see them. We have a mad man loose back home
>that goes around slaughtering children. The sooner we get rid of him, the
>better. You were doing a brilliant job highlighting the relationship
>Fatty and Yaya and their hateful rhetoric against the US in these trying
>times. Continue that brilliant job you were doing and ignore these mental
>midgets whose brains (if they have any) will blow up once they start
>articulating PDOIS agenda (under our scrutiny). I mean how can a so-called
>businesswoman like Ms. Joh reconcile her views with those of loonies like
>Malik Kah that are more communist than the Soviets?
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