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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
"Paul M. Ceesay" <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 8 Aug 2001 15:07:25 -0500
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Ms. Diop,
Would you agree that we all want The Gambia to be free from all the ills
that affects human lives and dignity. Moreover, we want to eliminate
kleptomania. The behavior of these kleptomaniacs have injured the country
incredibly in the past, present and if we are not very careful, the future
as well. Most of our elected officials have this mentality of the Gold
Rush. " Get as much as you can get before the well runs dry" .
I believe that we are all yearning for a country governed with democratic
ideologies and principles, where the elected will become the servants of
the general people and not the other way around. With that concept in mind,
we can work towards progress and development. Let us not put all our eggs
in one basket leaving no room for democracy and freedom of choice. If I
remembered vividly, it was the APRC that imposed the ban on all political
parties in the country. Therefore, if all other political parties except
the UDP should crumble and dissolve, it means that they succumbed to the
objectives of the APRC. These political parties have the right to exist and
let the people decide who they want to elect. The ANC did not disseminate
when the South African Apartheid Government banned the party in the
country. Instead they became more vigilant and the struggle continued. The
price they paid for freedom great but it was worth it. To me, these are
people who sacrificed a lot for freedom and common good.
         We are not only looking for a change, but also we want the right
and qualified people appointed into office. We should be crystal clear with
our choice for the next president of The Gambia. We've made too many
mistakes in the past that cost us dearly. The choice is our therefore, let
us elect someone capable, honest and ready to serve the people of The
Gambia.At 05:32 PM 8/7/01 -0400, you wrote:
>Hassan Musa Camara  of GPP deserves our commendation for declaring clearly
>his support for  the United Democratic Party ( UDP ). I just wonder what's
>keeping Sheriff Dibba, and the PPP leadership from making such a move. Could
>it be that these politicians have a more ambitious agenda than  removing
>Yahya? The decree 89 politicians owe a lot to the second republic
>politicians who risked their lives, and the lives of their families and
>sacrificed their professions  to take on Yahya. Any effort to jump into the
>game at this 11th hour, is uncalled for and can only be construed as
>propelled by  greed on their part. After 30 years of governance with not
>much to show for it, I'm surprised that any of these politicians should even
>contemplate reviving their any political ambition other than working closely
>and whole-heartedly with UDP, NRP and DPOIS.
>We must always remember that greed is destructive and allowing Yahya to stay
>on for another round because of some selfish interests can only be
>detrimental for all of us.
>>From: Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Baabaa Jobe Banned
>>Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 16:29:42 -0400
>>That Yaya is a moron and a loose-canon should NOT come as a surprise to
>>anyone that knows the man. What is however surprising is for a seemingly
>>educated person like Sedat Jobe or Sarjo Jallow to allow themselves to be
>>record defending positions that are totally indefensible. When Sedat Jobe
>>came up with his incoherent mumbo jumbo against the UN regarding the travel
>>ban imposed on Baabaa Jobe (Arms Dealer, Director of Yaya's Millennium
>>Airlines), most just shoved Sedat Jobe to the side as some vermin throwing
>>tantrums to the UN because Baabaa Jobe had a gun to Sedat Jobe's head.
>>When I read Sarjo Jallow and Yaya making the same childish arguments Sedat
>>Jobe was making against the UN body, I said to myself that our country is
>>indeed in serious trouble. The morons are at it again. Inmates running the
>>asylum. The effect of the terrorism coming from low-lives like Baabaa Jobe
>>on people like Sedat Jobe, is just mind-boggling. Following what has been
>>going on at the UN Security Council between Liberia and the Council as
>>regards the UN Resolution imposing the travel ban, one cannot but wonder
>>whether Sedat Jobe is at all familiar with the UN system. Did this man ever
>>work for the UN? Where was this man educated from?
>>My take is that this man knows very well the futility of his ill-advised
>>letter to the UN and the stupidity inherent in accusing the British, French
>>and Americans of bad faith. Both Sedat Jobe and Sarjo Jallow know that
>>infantile rhetoric will NOT move the UN one inch. The despicable duo also
>>know that their baseless allegations against the 'super-powers' will also
>>have no effect whatsoever in London, Paris or Washington or New York. This
>>rhetoric is for the consumption of morons like Yaya and Baabaa Jobe. But in
>>the process, Sedat Jobe and Sarjo Jallow make themselves the laughing stock
>>of decent folks.
>>In the fertile imagination of Yaya, Baabaa Jobe, Sedat Jobe and Sarjo
>>Jallow, the 'super-powers' are upset at Yaya and as 'pay-back', they picked
>>on Baabaa Jobe (without any evidence) and banned him together with the
>>Liberians. Does this make sense? What could have pissed off the
>>'super-powers'? If they are angry at Yaya because of his association with
>>Libya and Cuba, why did the 'super-powers' NOT instigate the banning of
>>Cubans and some Libyans unjustifiably? What Sedat Jobe and Sarjo Jallow are
>>NOT telling the Gambian public, is the composition of the panel of experts
>>that wrote the report recommending this ban. We have Senegalese and
>>Cameroonians in that panel. Are those people too picking on Baabaa Jobe?
>>If we did not have an illegal government back home populated by impotents
>>like Sedat Jobe that are so scared to think straight, the diplomats in the
>>country would have familiarized themselves with diplomatic etiquette and
>>advised the president accordingly. Diplomats worth their salt would NOT
>>allow some uncouth High School drop-out to dictate them to go to the
>>international community and make baseless accusations against a UN body.
>>Even Liberia that has been affected by the travel ban in a manner more
>>devastating than The Gambia is corresponding with the UN Security Council
>>through the proper channels. Even Liberian diplomats are NOT running around
>>throwing wild accusations at the UN. The Liberians are trying to implement
>>the provisions of the Resolution to ensure that the sanctions are lifted.
>>Liberia is working with ECOWAS and the UN Secretary General to ensure that
>>the war in Sierra Leone comes to a peaceful end. Just the other day, I read
>>the Liberian diplomats asking for permission for one of the banned
>>to travel to Sierra Leone to watch a soccer game. But what are our morons
>>doing? They are still hugging Baabaa Jobe and 'demanding' for proof.
>>According to them, the UN made all this up to spite Yaya. How I pray to God
>>that the UN provide all the proof they have against Yaya's plane. When that
>>happens, the moron himself will be slapped with a travel ban. I wonder what
>>clowns like Sedat Jobe and Sarjo Jallow will say when that happens.
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Paul M. Ceesay
Laboratory Storekeeper
University of Missouri-KC
Spencer Chemistry Bld.
5009 Rockhill Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64110

phone# (816)235-1665
fax#    (816)235-1665


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