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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
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Kelly Pierce <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 07:29:38 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (249 lines)
The following article from the online magazine Salon surveys the available
info in parsing out the question that many wonder:  is shopping online
better for the environment than going to a neighborhood store?


   It's not easy being green
   Is online shopping good for the environment or just a better way to be
   as wasteful as we want to be?

   - - - - - - - - - - - -
   By Katharine Mieszkowski

   Dec. 7, 2000 | You know who you are.

   You haven't bought a thing for any of your 27 adorable nieces and
   nephews, and you dread the throngs of wild-eyed parents stalking Toys
   "R" Us this time of year, their sweaty desperation sweetly underscored
   by the schmaltzy tunes of "Jingle Bell Rocks" and "Grandma Got Run
   Over by a Reindeer." You're in holiday shopping denial. And you'll
   probably end up loading up your credit cards with overnight delivery
   charges at the last minute, buying out the Web's entire stash of
   5-foot-tall plush Harry Potter goblets of fire on the afternoon of
   Dec. 23.

   Not so fast, e-commerce Santa.

   Consider this: How would your adorable little nieces and nephews feel
   if they knew your shameless procrastination contributes to the
   destruction of the planet, sacrificing their priceless futures for a
   few moments of greedy joy on Christmas morning? Don't you realize that
   all those air-shipped "next day" deliveries are five times as
   fuel-inefficient as gifts sent by plodding trucks?

   OK, so the little buggers probably couldn't care less. But do you?

   Now that we're fully in the throes of the ritualistic consumer frenzy
   that is the holiday shopping season, probably the last thing on most
   Net shoppers' minds is what impact all that clicking to buy has on the
   environment. The truth is, even policymakers, social scientists,
   environmentalists and engineers don't really know for sure.
   Researchers are only now beginning to study what e-commerce means for
   the Earth. The first major conference on the topic, the Joint
   Symposium on E-commerce and the Environment, in October in New York,
   brought together 100 researchers from the likes of Lawrence Berkeley
   National Laboratory and Ford Motor Co. to compare notes on everything
   from e-commerce and energy consumption to land use.

   "Everyone is just starting to wake up and realize that e-commerce
   might have environmental effects that we aren't aware of," says H.
   Scott Matthews, a researcher with the Green Design Initiative, a
   faculty and student research group at Carnegie Mellon University that
   is conducting one of the few major studies of the issue.

   But no one knows exactly what those effects might be. "Anyone who
   tells you that they've got this figured out is probably exaggerating,"
   says David Rejeski, a former researcher at the Environmental
   Protection Agency who is now at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public
   and International Affairs at Princeton.

   It's easy to imagine how good shopping online could be for the
   environment. After all, retail space with its hardwood floors, heating
   and cooling costs and huge parking lots can be a bigger drain on
   natural resources than warehouse space. And think of all the trips to
   the mall in the old gas-guzzling SUV that one efficient delivery truck
   speeding to and fro in a single neighborhood can eliminate. Plus,
   e-commerce cuts out entire steps in the distribution chain, presumably
   making the experience of buying online better for all. Click your way
   to a better world, baby!

   But what such back-of-the-envelope analysis leaves out is the knotty
   vagaries of human behavior. We buy three shirts online only to ship
   back two that don't fit by air. We order virtually, but print out the
   receipts for our records. We buy five different books from Barnes &
   Noble online and have them sent in five different packages because we
   can't bother to wait for the total order to be filled. Wouldn't one
   trip to the bookstore have been more energy-efficient? And then
   there's the instant-gratification itch. It's the nagging impulse that
   says: "I want it now!" -- or, at the latest, tomorrow morning -- even
   if that means that an airplane will have to fly whatever it is to me
   from the other side of the country, so I won't have to bother to get
   off my couch.

   Will shopping online bring new efficiency to our acquisitiveness or
   only give us one more way to clutter up the world with still more
   stuff? Should we be heartened by the news that the rate of growth in
   our energy consumption is slowing, or dismayed at how much easier it
   is than ever before to buy something we don't really need?

   One early report on the issue, released last December by the Center
   for Energy and Climate Solutions, a nonprofit that helps companies
   reduce greenhouse gas emissions, paints a rosy picture of a clean
   e-commerce future. "Christmas shoppers can minimize the environmental
   impact of gift giving by shopping online and shipping presents
   directly to the recipient," says Joe Romm, executive director of the
   center, citing the benefits of replacing car trips with delivery
   trucks and energy-intensive retail space with warehouses. The energy
   savings aren't hard to fathom. "If you're going to have the gift
   shipped anyway, it's got to be better to order it online." You save
   not only a trip to the mall but the extra environmental costs entailed
   in sending the product from a warehouse to a retail outlet and then to
   your friend or relative.

   Romm's study found that even shipping two 5-pound packages overnight
   would result in 40 percent less energy consumption than a 20-mile
   round trip to the mall to fetch the same hefty gifts. So maybe we can
   all click our way to a cleaner, brighter future. It's these kinds of
   calculations that have led Jeff Bezos, founder of, to brag
   about the environmental benefits of e-commerce.

   But other studies haven't been so bullish on online shopping as a
   green alternative to old-fashioned bricks and mortar. Researchers with
   Carnegie Mellon's Green Design Initiative scrutinized's
   proud pledge to deliver every pre-ordered copy of "Harry Potter and
   the Goblet of Fire" to eager readers via FedEx overnight on its July
   publication date. More than 250,000 books shot around the country in a
   dedicated fleet of more than 100 airplanes and 9,000 trucks, enabling
   the online bookstore to compete during the hyped release with the
   timeliness of a neighborhood bookstore. Just think of how many extra
   boxes it took to ship those books individually instead of in crates of
   10 copies each to stores.

   And while a truck efficiently delivering many packages to different
   homes may theoretically eliminate dozens of car trips, in reality
   that's not how most people shop. "The marginal effect of buying a book
   at the mall is small if, as part of the trip, other items are bought
   or other things are done," wrote the authors of "Harry Potter and the
   Ozone Layer," an article in the November IEEE Spectrum. Most
   important, air transit uses five times the fuel of trucking. Loath to
   draw any definitive conclusions on early research, they declared, "The
   net effect of e-commerce is unclear." But the basic question remains:
   Do we really need books overnight? Matthews says the Green Design
   Initiative has invited Bezos to a workshop on the topic of e-commerce
   and the environment in June, but, alas, "he hasn't responded to our
   requests yet."

   Yet another study, this one by researchers at the New Jersey Institute
   of Technology, found that buying a computer online was worse for the
   environment than purchasing one from a store, especially when
   overnight shipping was factored in. They found that only when a
   company also used the Web to streamline its inventory and distribution
   were there environmental benefits. Simply selling online wasn't enough
   to make a difference.

   So what's a Net shopper to believe? "We're moving into the new economy
   and we don't know much about the environmental impact, and no one
   seems to care," says Rejeski, formerly with the EPA. Rejeski decries
   the absence of government funding for research on the topic: "It's
   ironic to me that the U.S., which has so quickly identified itself
   with the new economy, hasn't put up the money to identify the social
   and environmental impacts of the new economy."

   One real wild card in the whole ecology vs. e-commerce equation is
   human behavior. "The big question mark is we don't know how people's
   shopping habits are going to be changed due to online shopping," says
   Nevin Cohen, a fellow at the Tellus Institute, which organized the
   October symposium.

   "Will people just buy more and more things because it's even easier?
   And will people want it air-shipped overnight, and will they air-ship
   it back when they don't want it?" asks Alissa Gravits, executive
   director of Co-op America, a nonprofit environmental group. If
   e-commerce makes it so much easier for the "born to shop" masses to
   buy things, some ecologically minded critics worry the additional
   consumption could wipe out whatever incremental environmental benefit
   there may be to transactions done online. Josh Karliner, executive
   editor of Corporate Watch, a watchdog group, puts it this way: "The
   biggest environmental problem in the world today is American
   overconsumption. So if we're going to consume more and more resources
   by buying more superfluous goods over the Web, then e-commerce is only
   contributing to the biggest environmental problem in the world today."

   Still, there are some macroeconomic energy consumption trends that are
   heartening. According to Romm, between 1992 and 1996 the demand for
   energy rose 2.3 percent a year, while from 1996 to 2000 the demand for
   energy rose only 1 percent; at the same time, gross domestic product

   "That's a very large drop," says Romm, a former acting assistant
   secretary of energy at the U.S. Department of Energy. "I think some of
   it is because the Internet allows a type of growth that doesn't
   require as much inventory and as much energy and as much

   Even in the face of inconclusive research about the ecology of
   e-commerce, there's one fact that's crystal clear. Mainstream shopping
   sites could do more to help. E-commerce companies could painlessly
   offer a "green" shipping option. All it would take is marketing ground
   shipping as a way to help the environment, and letting consumers make
   the choice themselves. "I've suggested it to, and it isn't
   a priority for them," says Cohen. With e-commerce still struggling in
   its toddlerhood it would take an enlightened e-tailer, indeed, to
   fight the customer's urge for instant gratification. Who wants to
   point out how much slower your distribution is than a trip to the

   Romm says the tightening of belts at many dot-coms may paradoxically
   benefit the environment. "I think that with the collapse of the NASDAQ
   and the dot-coms you're seeing a lot fewer companies offering free
   overnight [shipping] because it's too big of an expense." How's that
   medicine? Fewer freebies may ultimately be good for you!

   And don't be so quick to blame the companies. There hasn't exactly
   been an outcry from concerned consumers demanding greener shipping
   options from e-commerce sites, or even an outcry from environmental
   groups, for that matter. "I think a lot of people are still in the
   honeymoon phase with e-commerce to think anything bad about it," says
   Matthews. "It's none of the companies' faults they're providing the
   service that customers want. If no one wanted it overnight, they
   wouldn't be selling it."

   And environmental groups may also be in the throes of just such a
   honeymoon. Joel Makower, president of the Green Business Network,
   points out that many environmental groups are engaged in e-commerce
   partnerships with sites that market so-called green products. "I think
   the environmental groups have to look fairly carefully at their own
   e-commerce offerings before they can participate in any larger
   conversation about the environmental impact of the Internet. It's
   clear that the environmental community is fairly smitten with the
   technology, as an organizing tool and as a tool to sell 'green' things
   from T-shirts to toilet paper."

   If there is one single message for environmentally conscious online
   shoppers, it's this: Don't wait until the last minute to do your
   Christmas shopping -- if not just to save your sanity, then to help
   save the energy sure to be consumed in all those "next day" FedEx and
   UPS orgies. "People need to know that all these little choices add
   up," says Rejeski. "Most people don't think about that, and most sites
   aren't telling people."

   - - - - - - - - - - - -

   About the writer
   Katharine Mieszkowski is a senior writer for Salon Technology.

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