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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Thu, 20 Jul 2000 19:24:36 -0700
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(415)868 1600 FAX (415) 868 0502
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Boom and  Doom

We live in an era in which the  financial market and the earth itself
are both over-heated at the same time . Corporate capital’s science
tells us that there is no  connection between these two facts. They are
supposed to be  understandable acts of nature. Especially our economics
, which are the outcome of divine planning. You know, “the invisible
hand” and the triumph of capitalism.

If we accept this divine science, we must also accept that  our divinity

seems to operate on a cycle of  economic boom that depends on ecological

doom. The  reports  of poisoned air and water, toxic pollution, acid
rain , holes in the ozone and especially climate warming have lead many
to the belief that we are condemned to death as a race. Of course,
corporate capital says it will all be good for some, even if others
lose. Warmer weather in one part of the globe will lower heating bills,
say, while increasing sales of summer clothing. Not to worry, just sell
utilities and buy lightweight fabrics.

But seemingly more reliable science,  not yet pimping for corporate
funds, calls for an alert on the part of humanity. The danger is real,
serious and demanding  of our attention. Unfortunately,  many still
attribute it  to individual  evil, personal greed, private psychosis, or

group performance under the control of one of those things.

The workings of political economic systems are usually beyond the
concerns of everyday life, and kept that way by our mind managers. That
is why  people can allow their government to tear up its  credit card
and cut public debt, while they get more  credit cards and sink into the

deepest debt any public has ever carried, privately. That is why the top

1 percent of wealthy Americans   have as many after-tax dollars to spend

as the bottom 100 million, and there is relative silence from a people
manipulated by TV  brain candy,  like the multi-million dollar Gush-Bore

“survival” show .

We move through life burdened by personal cares, governed by
consciousness controllers and  often oblivious to  nature , a force over

which we have little personal power .  We are almost equally oblivious
to  social organization, a force over which we  should have complete
control, in an allegedly democratic society. That is hardly the case.

Our society’s  organization has been labeled industrial ,  then
technological , and presently we are supposed to be in a phase called
globalization. But the  controlling structure of everyday reality is not

one  dependent on  machines,  tools or finance; it is based on the
political economic  system of capitalism, and its general acceptance as
a fact of life,  very much like a  religious  dogma.

People may believe  metaphysical legends  explaining why we act the way
we do , but the  system under which we  perform is governed by  physical

rules of profit accumulation. This is accomplished through private
control of nature, whether that nature is human, animal or seemingly
inanimate  resources .

We are told that this privately oriented economic-religious system is
the highest form of human development, partly because it has  created a
wonderful material standard of living for some people,  and  a state in
which we  pride ourselves on having free elections with representative
governments. This , though hundreds of millions live in desperate
poverty, and most people do not vote, with  few really believing the
founding myths of democracy except as immaterial faith, having seen
little proof of their material truth.

For most citizens, supposed democracy operates exactly as nature ;
mostly beyond our control. We live the contradiction of a bad system
under the  control of good people, or at least innocent people, who
rarely understand that system. And that is because  we are educated not
to understand, but to accept.

Most of what we learn, read, see, hear and ultimately think, is a
program produced by the private owners of nature, in order to get their
subjects’ agreement to what is done with that nature. In short, what
they do to and with us , and our environment.

Growing numbers  of global citizens are  criticizing this system, and
not merely one  aspect of its performance, or one  villain. We still
seem to need  individual actors to love and hate, like Clinton, Bush ,
Gates, Mother Theresa, and other demons and saints. But we are beginning

to understand that these actors  perform  under the direction of
something other than  mysterious forces, like god or nature.

Once we  realize  that democracy means  people  must collectively run
their society and  not depend  or rely on  invisible  authorities beyond

their control, we may be on the way to  bringing about a better world
for just about everyone. The one we have now lavishes immense wealth on
some, a fairly decent life on others, and  poverty, debt, depression,
misery and suffering on most. That enormous gap cannot  be excused
simply by blaming it on  personal greed or an angry god.

The cycle of boom and doom is the cycle of humans under the command  of
capital. The doom  can only be avoided by a democratic movement to
control the cycles for the good of all, not just a few. Such a
democratic system would mean the end of exclusive private control  of
political economics ,  the capitalism which is creating disaster  as we
allow it to maintain its domination over humanity and the earth.

That disaster  will become  more deadly the longer it  continues. The
way to spread  economic boom to greater numbers, and avert  ecological
doom , is to understand that real democracy means the end of the
political economics of capitalism. Anything less will  continue the
present accumulation of happiness and  short term riches for some , but
sadness and long term deprivation for all .

 Copyright (c) 2000 by Frank Scott. All rights reserved.

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frank scott
email: [log in to unmask]
225 laurel place, san rafael ca. 94901
(415)457 2415   fax(415)457 4791