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Richard Yarl <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Sat, 10 Apr 1999 06:09:26 -0700
text/plain (56 lines)
Good morning, Abu.

Great job.  AAM could not do this because
per my discussion with other Executive
Committee members, not only doesn't it
currently fit in the solidarity policy that is
under review for reactivation but also that
it would be a precedence that may raise
questions at this point.  It is under
consideration,, though.

On an unrelated note, have members of the
FPIC been reminded on the 4/11/99 meeting?
If you did since we talked, please disregard
my inquiry but I have not seen or heard anything
to that effect.  Also, do we have any agenda for
the meeting as we discussed? Please help me
know where we are with things at this point.

God bless!


-----Original Message-----
From: Abu-Hassan Koroma <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 11:23 PM
Subject: Re: Amegashie Moves On...

>Godwin A. Amegashie has been appointed New State Minority Business
>Program Director in the Department of Administration.   A member of the
>African Association of Madison, the serious minded-fun-loving Amegashie
>is moving on from MI Bank of Southern Wisconsin where he was, until
>recently, an assistant Vice President.
>Known for his gregarious manner and thought provoking jokes, the African
>native will bring 27 years of banking experience to his new position,
>according to the Madison Times Newspaper of April 2-8, 1999.
>The story in the paper is worth reading.  The Madison Times is
>distributed free. If you can't find  it or are having a hard time
>locating one, call the office for a copy or where you could find one.
>Their number is:  256-2122
>For and on behalf of the Amegashie Support Group.
>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html
>or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]