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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 18 Oct 2001 15:24:20 -0400
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Tombong, I feel so sorry for you. It seems that you are the only one still
clinging to the farfetched hope that Yaya is going to win. Even the moron
himself realized that he is FINISHED and he is hiding. Why is he refusing to
give the International media an interview? I know. The lunatic has gone
berserk and is showering sycophants like you all sorts of insults. When will
you wake up, Tombong? Morons as stupid as Essa Sey smelled the coffee and
when Yaya asked him to come home and campaign, the vermin absconded LYING
that he is ill. But you, even when Yaya fired you, you begged for your job
back so that you can be destroyed with Yaya. Is a mobile phone business and
a government-owned Pajero worth all this trouble?

Yaya CANNOT win this election. Already there is a big question mark about
Gabriel Roberts’ despicable decision to allow foreigners to vote in our
election. The man has woefully FAILED the entire Gambian society by putting
the lives of innocent people at risk and disgracing our country in front of
international observers that came to witness the election. We already have
reports that there were indeed some polling stations that allowed people
that were NOT on the registers to vote. We also have reports that thanks to
the VIGILANCE of real journalists like Baboucarr Gaye, it is reported that
Baabaa Jobe was turned away from a polling center with 300 voter’s cards
belonging to foreigners that were NOT supposed to vote in Soma. If you ask
me, Baboucarr Gaye ought to be decorated for the brilliant job he and his
team are doing covering this election. A job taxpayers have paid you to do.
But no! You would rather be kissing up to a moron.

Gabriel Roberts might be declaring the results life on GRTS. BUT that was
NOT my point. My point is that (and I hope you get it this time) you should
NOT ‘update’ us with bogus and piecemeal results. We need CERTIFIED results
directly from Gabriel Roberts. We will see whether Yaya will go and put a
gun at Gabriel Roberts’ and the international observer’s head to force them
to announce bogus results. If that happens, Yaya is dead meat. And any moron
that stands in people’s way is dead meat too. This is NOT 1996. We know that
Darboe already won. What we are concerned about is whether the ballots will
be transported safely and Gabriel Roberts will announce the right results.
Darboe won a long time ago. Tombong, both you and Yaya are FINISHED. Did I
NOT tell you that when Yaya ‘repealed’ Decree 89 he signed his death
warrant? That was when the final nail was put in the coffin, boy.

Since unlike you, l have plenty to talk about, I will manage my postings
well and also comment here about your silly mumbo jumbo to Colly regarding
Yaya’s anti-aircraft gun. I wonder what aircraft the moron wants to shoot
down. You people are just a bunch of lunatics. Again, you missed Colly’s
point. The man is trying to counsel the mental midgets manning those guns
NOT to blow themselves up like they did the other time when they wanted to
fire archaic weapons they did NOT know how to operate. The point is NOT
whether Yaya is a moron and prepares to shoot aircrafts that only exist in
his fertile imagination. We care less if the moron sleeps with an
anti-aircraft weapon. Colly does NOT want you to blow yourselves up and in
the process injure innocent Gambians. You might NOT know, but NONE of those
tanks and anti-aircraft weapons work properly. If you morons shoot it at
innocent Gambians, NOWHERE will be far enough for you guys to run to. We
will find you and smoke you out. You are FINISHED.

I also saw the pathetic comment you made lamely denying that Yaya’s guards
slaughtered an Alliance supporter in broad daylight before the eyes of
thousands of Gambians. And you call people haters whose judgment is clouded?
You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Even if Yaya murdered your own blood
brother, I am sure you will deny that it happened. You are simply pathetic.
Just last week the moron fired you and you denied that it happened. Remind
in DENIAL forever.

>From: TOMBONG SAIDY <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Voting Progress Update
>Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 14:29:38 -0500
>Kebba Jallow, GRTS is carrying the Chairman's announcement live on both
>radio and television. I feel sorry for you. You will be on your
>exile for a long time.
>>From: Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Re: Voting Progress Update
>>Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:20:59 -0400
>>I hope that the gag order imposed on the press vis-à-vis the announcement
>>results is also applicable to GRTS. If Gabriel Roberts is to be believed
>>anymore, results should only come from the IEC after they have been
>>certified. Opposition stalwarts have to make sure that they are present
>>the faxed results are received by Gabriel Roberts. Tombong has to be
>>watched. Left to the vermin alone he will announce FALSE results.
>>>From: TOMBONG SAIDY <[log in to unmask]>
>>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>>><[log in to unmask]>
>>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>>Subject: Re: Voting Progress Update
>>>Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 12:09:04 -0500
>>>Voting went well and most of the polling stations are now closed.
>>>Day has gone peacefully and the results will start coming out around 6:30
>>>I will be giving you the updates as the results come in.
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