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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 10:16:04 -0400
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Seven years down the line, it is now vividly clear to all Gambians why the
vermin (AFPRC/APRC) are putting us through this horrendous ordeal. All the
vermin wanted was to loot our country and lead flamboyant lifestyles on the
backs of the Gambian people. From the onset, this was clear to a lot of us.
We knew the low-lives were up to no good. Seasoned journalists in the
country like Ebrima Ceesay will attest to the fact that Yaya was always
miffed when people asked him how much he was making as chairman of the
AFPRC. This was at the early days of the ‘coup’ (Operation Live in Fajara)
when the moron was shouting at the top of his voice about Accountability and
Transparency. At the same time, journalists will ask him how much he was
making and he will get all upset. This should have been the first wake up
call for most people. But some were euphoric about the change and missed all
these tell-tale signs.

At that same time (few weeks after the ‘coup’) Sanna Sabally went to the
then Meridien Bank and paid off a huge loan his father had there. This was
before the vermin received his first vice chairman salary. He CANNOT say
that he saved up his lieutenant salary to come up with that money. The
vermin are so stupid they left a paper trail all over the place. Where did
Sabally get that money from? After the ‘coup’, the vermin agreed that they
were going to pay each other huge amounts of money for ‘risking’ their
lives. In other words, the mercenaries (AFPRC) were paying each other for
committing treason. This payment also included expensive sport utility
vehicles and Mitsubishi Galants for their wives. Lower army officers were to
get D25,000 and Mitsubishi Galants.

But being the envious low-lives they are, the AFPRC members took all the
loot to themselves and forgot about their comrades. This was the genesis of
the November 1994 pogrom. When the AFPRC visited ‘Depot’, they were on their
way to Yundum Barracks to go and touch base with the rank and file for the
first time after the July 22 putsch. When they went to ‘Depot’, they were
confronted by other officers that wanted to know why the vermin that were
talking about Accountability and Transparency were running around town
leading flamboyant lifestyles and giving their wives and girlfriends
Mitsubishi Galants. The rank and file also wanted to know why all the senior
officers in the army were jailed without trial. When loose-canons like
Sabally and Singhateh heard these complaints, they just did what they know
best. Instead of changing their criminal ways the other soldiers were
complaining about, the vermin framed soldiers like lieutenant Gibril Saye
and executed them in cold-blood.

This is the extent to which the vermin were willing to go in the early days
to cover up their corrupt activities and continue to live flamboyant
lifestyles in Fajara, Kotu and Kanifing. Now imagine what they will do today
to continue to live in Fajara and Kotu. They showed us their hand in April
2000. When they thought our children threatened their flamboyant lifestyles,
they massacred our children in broad daylight. They are prepared to protect
their flamboyant lifestyles by any means necessary. We should be prepared to
get rid of them by any means necessary.

The vermin are NOT just satisfied stealing from us in broad daylight. They
also want to brutalize us. It is our duty to defend ourselves. If you ask
me, it is our duty to preempt their strikes and get rid of them before they
attack us. The low-lives do NOT want to work hard for the good life. When
people were going to school, they dropped out of school to go to the
military so that they can steal power. Now that they have stolen power, they
will do anything (including slaughtering children as young as three) to stay
in power. We should also be prepared to do anything to ensure that not a
single child get murdered by these criminals again.

That these people are thieves and criminals, is well documented. The
massacre of our children and Yaya’s involvement therewith, is an open and
shut case. That Yaya ordered Central Bank officials to transfer millions of
dollars to his personal Swiss Bank Account, is also well documented. The
moron sent our own Attorney General to Switzerland to recover the money for
him from Swiss courts. That Yaya stole money from us through the Nigerian
Crude Oil transfers, is also well documented. There are court papers to
prove that. His cronies in Parliament will NOT even discuss the matter.
Right there, they are all accomplices to this fleecing of The Gambia. That
CSE bribed Yaya and built him his villas (including bunker) in Kanilai, is
known to everyone. If I wanted to catalogue here the corruption of these
vermin, I will be here till past October 18, 2001. And that is just dealing
with Yaya. We are NOT talking about Baabaa Jobe (extortionist
extraordinaire). The vermin shakes down Lebanese businessmen in the country
like nobody’s business. The vermin makes less than D3,000 from his
government salary, but he is building mansion after mansion and ‘giving’
potential voters tens of thousands of dalasis to buy their loyalty. We are
also NOT talking about arms, drugs and diamond trafficking involving
Millennium Airlines (belonging to Yaya and Baabaa Jobe). Dubious deals
between the duo and businessmen like Amadou Samba and Tarik Musa is also NOT
a part of this expose.

This expose also does NOT touch on vermin like Yankuba Touray who as we
speak has confiscated property belonging to private businessmen (in the
process, making more than fifty Gambians in the tourist industry become
unemployed); all for what? So that Yankuba Touray can build on the land and
open a bar and restaurant for his family members. The vermin are robbing us
in broad daylight. And they are proud of it too. When Gambians complain
about their stealing, they tell us that they are at least developing the
country. Are these people well? No one is saying that Yankuba Touray should
NOT build a house or that Yaya should NOT develop Kanilai. What people are
saying is that the vermin should NOT steal from us in order to lead
flamboyant lifestyles. Clearly, they are stealing from us.

First Yaya was getting money from ‘Allah’s Bank’. God loved the moron so
much, He was giving Yaya money directly from Heaven. It is shameful that
someone will utter such a ridiculous story to an entire country. What this
showed was that the vermin was determined NOT to say where he was stealing
money from. The vermin did NOT want to be Accountable. There is NO
Transparency in this government. Obviously the money was NOT coming from
God. The first major installment came directly from Taiwan through Ebou
Jallow. There are documents to prove that. Now, instead of ‘Allah’s Bank’,
the latest silly excuse I heard was that the vermin is enjoying money that
Sani Abacha gave him (Yaya) for safe-keeping. Can people believe the
nonsense coming from these vermin? Now they are lying about a dead man. But
the moron and his cohorts are so stupid that they do NOT realize that they
are exposing themselves to Nigerian jurisdiction. They do NOT realize that
the Nigerians are adamant to recover all the ill-gotten gains of the former
Dictator (Sani Abacha). How far will these morons go to disgrace our country
and put our citizens in jeopardy? Now, if Nigeria was to go after Yaya, what
will that mean for our country? Should we subject our people to this
insanity because the vermin want to live flamboyant lifestyles in Fajara and

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