Discussiones in Interlingua


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"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
Peter Kleiweg <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 21:41:52 +0200
Alfa-Informatica, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
"INTERLNG: Discussiones in Interlingua" <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (163 lines)
Io ha traducite le "Statement of Purpose" de Terralingua ex
anglese in interlingua. Isto es mi prime labor de un effortio de
tal volumine, e io es certo que il ha multe errores. Vole ben
dar me correctiones ante que io invia le traduction a Terranova.

Traductiones in altere linguas son a:


Terralingua is a new (1996) international organisation committed to:

Terralingua es un nove (1996) organisation international committite a:

     1. the preservation of linguistic diversity in our world;
     2. the exploration of connections between linguistic and biological

     1. le preservation de diversitate linguistic in nostre mundo;
     2. le exploration de connexiones inter diversitate linguistic e

                               Statement of Purpose.

                               Declaration de intentiones.

           Terralingua: partnerships for linguistic and biological diversity.

           Terralingua: societate per diversitate linguistic e biologic.

A. Terralingua recognizes:

A. Terralingua recognosce:

     1. That the diversity of languages and their variant forms is a
        vital part of the world's cultural diversity;

     1. Que le diversitate the linguas e lor variantes es un parte
        essential del diversitate cultural del mundo;

     2. That cultural diversity and biological diversity are not only
        related, but often inseparable; and

     2. Que diversitate cultural e diversitate biologic son non solmente
        connectite, ma anque sovente inseparabile; e

     3. That, like biological species, many languages and their variant
        forms around the world are now faced with an extinction crisis
        whose magnitude may well prove very large.

     3. Que, como species biologic, multe linguas e lor variantes circum
        le mundo son nunc confrontate de un crises de extermination cuje
        magnitude poterea esser grandissime.

B. Terralingua declares:

B. Terralingua declara:

     4. That every language, along with its variant forms, is inherently
        valuable and therefore worthy of being preserved and
        perpetuated, regardless of its political, demographic, or
        linguistic status;

     4. Que cata lingua, inclusivemente su variantes, es preciose
        inherentemente e ergo digne de esser preservate e perpetuitate,
        sin reguardo de su stato politic, demographic, o linguistic;

     5. That deciding which language to use, and for what purposes, is a
        basic human right inhering to members of the community of
        speakers now using the language or whose ancestors traditionally
        used it; and

     5. Que decider qual lingua on usa, e per qual objectos, es un
        derecto del homine basal pertinente al membros del communitate
        de parlatores ora usante le lingua o cuje ancestres usate lo
        traditional; e

     6. That such usage decisions should be freely made in an atmosphere
        of tolerance and reciprocal respect for cultural distinctiveness
        -- a condition that is a prerequisite for increased mutual
        understanding among the world's peoples and a recognition of our
        common humanity.

     6. Que tal decisiones de usar deberea faciente liberalmente in un
        atmosphera de tolerantia e respecto mutual per distinction
        cultural -- un condition sine qua non per comprension mutual
        augmentate inter le populos del mundo e un recognition de nostre
        humanitate commun.

C. Therefore, Terralingua sets forth the following goals:

C. Ergo, Terralingua pone le objectivos sequente:

     7. To help preserve and perpetuate the world's linguistic diversity
        in all its variant forms (languages, dialects, pidgins, creoles,
        sign languages, languages used in rituals, etc.) through
        research, programs of public education, advocacy, and community

     7. Adjutar preservar e perpetuar le diversitate linguistic del
        mundo in toto su variantes (linguas, dialectos, pidgins,
        creolos, linguas gestual, linguas usate in rituales, etc.) per
        medio de recerca, programmas de inseniamento public, mediation,
        e supporto de communitates.

     8. To learn about languages and the knowledge they embody from the
        communities of speakers themselves, to encourage partnerships
        between community-based language/cultural groups and
        scientific/professional organizations who are interested in
        preserving cultural and biological diversity, and to support the
        right of communities of speakers to language self-determination.

     8. Studiar linguas e le cognoscentia que illos incarna del
        communitates de parlatores mesme, incoragiar societate inter
        gruppos communal lingual/cultural e organisationes
        scientific/professional que son interessate in preservar
        diversitate cultural e biologic, e supportar le derecto de
        communitates de parlatores a autodetermination lingual.

     9. To illuminate the connections between cultural and biological
        diversity by establishing working relationships with
        scientific/professional organizations and individuals who are
        interested in preserving cultural diversity (such as linguists,
        educators, anthropologists, ethnologists, cultural workers,
        native advocates, cultural geographers, sociologists, and so on)
        and those who are interested in preserving biological diversity
        (such as biologists, botanists, ecologists, zoologists, physical
        geographers, ethnobiologists, ethnoecologists, conservationists,
        environmental advocates, natural resource managers, and so on),
        thus promoting the joint preservation and perpetuation of
        cultural and biological diversity.

     9. Illuminar le connexiones inter diversitate cultural e biologic
        per establir relationes laborante con organisationes
        scientific/professional e individuos qui son interessate in
        preservar diversitate cultural (como linguistas, inseniatores,
        anthropologistas, ethnologistas, laboratores cultural,
        mediatores indigena, geographos cultural, sociologos, etc.) e
        illes qui son interessate in preservar diversitate biologic
        (como biologistas, botanistas, ecologistas, zoologistas,
        geographos physic, ethnobiologistas, ethnoecologistas,
        conservatores, mediatores ambiente, administratores de
        ressources natural, etc.), e assi avantiar le preservation e
        perpetuation conjuncte de diversitate cultural e biologic.

    10. To work with all appropriate entities in both the public and
        private sectors, and at all levels from the local to the
        international, to accomplish the foregoing.

    10. Laborar con omne entitates appropriate in sectores tanto public
        e private, e a omne nivellos inter communal a international, per
        complir le precitate.


Peter Kleiweg