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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 6 Jan 2002 14:41:13 EST
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Jabou Joh <[log in to unmask]>
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There are a lot of misconceptions about Islam, especially in these times, and 
the purpose of this series is  to share with my fellow muslims education 
about the deen that will increase our understanding of the religion as well 
as perhaps answer at least some  of  the questions we may have about the 
deen, as well as to inform non-muslims regarding our religion.

Since the  tragedy of September 11th, i have seen a lot  TV shows, newspaper 
reports etc all intended to tell people about Islam, but somehow, they seem 
to skirt the main issues regarding the reason for the existance of many 
religions as explained by the Qur'an, and to provide information that 
documents the relationship of the three main religions, Islam, Christianity 
and Judaism as explained by the Qur'an, and the Sunnah of Rasullullah. 

I think that perhaps people skirt the issue because they feel they will 
offend others if they relay what the Qur'an says about other religions, but i 
think it is absolutely essential to relay everything so people know what this 
deen is about. 

From the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah,  we understand that religion and 
the worship of Allah is not supposed to be compartmentalized into different 
religions, each with their own. Rather, there is an unboken line of prophets 
all sent to their respective peoples since the creation of Prophet Adam, and 
their message was supposed to be a continuation, one to the other until the 
final message brought by Muhammad Bin Abdullah (SAS) the seal of the prophets 
and the final messenger of Allah  whom he sent to all to mankind.

"For we assuredly sent amongst every people a prophet, ( with command) 
worship me and avoid false gods"

(Soorah Al-Nahl 16:36)

The Prophet (SAS) said that his prophethood is akin to someone who built a 
beautiful building, and the only thing left to secure the building was a 
small brick in the corner. He said he is that final brick, sent to cement all 
the messages brought to mankind through all of the messengers, and his 
message was the one in which Allah perfected his religion for all of mankind. 
Speaking to mankind in the Qur'an Allah (SWT) says:

"This is the Book whereof there is no doubt, guidance for those who fear 

(Soorah Al-Baqara 2:2)

"This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed my favour upon 
you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion"

(Soorah Al-Maa'ida, 5:3)

"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam ( submission to Allah (God) 
never will it be accepted of him."

(Soorah Aal'Imraan 3:85)

Foremost among those who have studied the Qur'an and Sunnah and  have gained  
understanding from them  to pass on to the rest of the Islamic ummah is a 
Pakistani scholar by the name of Syed Abul A'Ala Mawdudi.

From January to March of 1948, Mawdudi gave a series of  five radio talks in 
which he described different aspects of the Islamic way of life. 
The original address was in Urdu, and was translated into English by 
Professor Kurshid Ahmad of Pakistan, with a revised edition by the Center for 
Call and Guidance under the supervision of the Presidency of  Islamic 
Research IFTA and Propagation, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

To begin this series, I have chosen this work by Mawdudi to present in it's 
entirety first beause it presents better than any other work i have seen, the 
concept of what islam is, and man's relationship to God.

After this, inshallah, we will proceed to discuss other religions, the reason 
there are a proliferation of different religions and their relationship to 
We will also discuss Christ the son of Mary ( may the peace and blessing of 
Allah be upon him) in the Qur'an and the the Torah.

Wasalatu wasalaam, ala Rasulill kareem, wa Allah Alihi, wa sahbihi, 
minastanabi Sunnahti eela yamideen.
(May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon the Prophet, his household and 
his companions, and whoever follows his Sunnah until the day of judgement)

I want to dedicate these series to my sister in Islam, Miss Ginny Quick, 
Halima Sohna and all the other new muslims on the list, and pray that Allah 
(SWT) increases in Imaan all those who seek his guidance  Ameen.


    The chief characteristic of the Islamic Concept of Life is that it does 
not admit a conflict, nay, not even a significant separation between 
life-spiritual and life-mundane. It does not confine itself merely in 
purifying the spiritual and the moral life of man in the limited sense of the 
word. Its domain extends to the entire gamut of life. It wants to mould 
individual life as well as the social order in healthy patterns, so that the 
Kingdom of God may really be established on the earth and so that peace, 
contentment and well-being may fill the world as waters fill the oceans. 

The Islamic Way of Life is based on this unique approach to life and a 
peculiar concept of man’s place in the Universe. That is why it is necessary 
that before we proceed to discuss the moral, social, political and economic 
systems of Islam, we should have a clear idea of the Islamic Concept of Life.

    There are certain basic postulates which should be understood and 
appreciated at the very outset. These postulates are as follows:


    1. Allah Who is the Creator, the Ruler and the Lord of the entire 
Universe has created man and provided him with temporary station in that part 
of His vast kingdom(cosmos) which is known as the earth. He has endowed man 
with the faculties of thinking and understanding, and has given him the power 
to distinguish right from wrong. Man has also been invested with freedom of 
will and choice and the power to use the resources of the world in any manner 
he likes. In short, man has been given a sort of autonomy while being 
appointed by God on earth as a successor to the beings that had previously 
populated it.

   2. Before assigning to man the inheritance of the earth, God made it 
explicitly clear to him that He alone is the Lord, the Ruler and Deity. As 
such, the entire Universe and all the creatures in it(including man) must 
submit to Him alone. Man must not think himself totally free and should know 
that this earth is not his permanent abode. He has been made to live upon it 
only during the period of his probation, and in due course, he will return to 
his Lord, to be judged according to the way he has utilized the period of 

The only right course for man is acknowledge Allah as the only Lord, the 
Sustainer and the Deity and to follow His Guidance and His Commands in all 
walks of life. Man must live this life with the realization that he is to be 
judged and his sole objective should be to merit the pleasure of Allah so as 
to emerge succesful in the final test. Conduct which is contrary to this 
would lead man astray. If, man follows the course of piety and 
Godliness(which he is free to choose and follow) he will succeed in this 
world and in the next: in this world he will live a life of peace and 
contentment, and in the Hereafter he will qualify himself for the heaven of 
eternal bliss; al-Jannah. And if, he chooses to follow the other course, i.e, 
that of Godlessness and evil(which he is equally free to choose and follow) 
his life will be one of corruption, disruption and frustration in this world 
and he will meet colossal misfortune in the life to come - that abode of pain 
and misery which is called Jahannam(Hell).

    3. After administering this warning, God set man upon the earth and 
provided the very first human beings(Adam* and Eve) with His Guidance in 
accordance with which men were to live on the earth. Thus, man’s life on this 
earth did not begin in utter darkness. The very first man was provided with a 
burning torch of light and guidance so that humanity might attain its 
glorious destiny. The very first man received revealed knowledge from God 
Himself. He had knowledge of the reality and was given the code of life by 
following which he could live a life of bliss and success. This code of life 
was Islam, the attitude of complete submission to Allah, the Creator of man 
and of the whole universe. 

It was this religion which Adam, the first man, passed down to posterity. But 
later generations gradually drifted away from the right path and adopted 
different erroneous paths. Because of negligence, they lost the original 
teachings, or due to folly or mischief they adulterated and perverted them. 
They associated with God innumerable human beings, non-human objects and 
imaginary entities as deities and indulged in Shirk(polytheism) of the worst 
type. They mixed up the pure teachings of God with strange myths, ideas and 
philosophies and thus produced a jungle of religions and cults. They 
discarded the God-given principles of social ethics and collective morality, 
the Shari’ah, and deprived the human life of peace and tranquility.


* According to Islam Adam was the first prophet of Allah on earth. 

    4. Although men departed from the path of truth, disregarded and 
distorted the Shari’ah, and some of them even revolted against the code of 
Divine Guidance, yet God did not destroy them or force them to the right 
course. Forced conversion to the right path was not in keeping with the 
autonomy He had given to man. Instead, God appointed certain virtuous persons 
from amongst the people themselves, to discharge the responsibility of 
recalling and guiding men to the right path during their sojourn on the 

These men believed in God, and lived a life of obedience to Him. He honored 
them by His revelations and gave them the knowledge of reality. These men, 
known as prophets(peace be upon all of them), were assigned the task of 
presenting the message of truth to humanity and of asking the people to come 
to the path of the Lord.

    5. These prophets were raised in all epochs, in all lands and in all 
nations. Out of numerous prophets sent by God, the Qur’an explicitly mentions 
twenty five. All of them brought the same way of life(Deen) i.e., the way 
which was revealed to man on the first day of his existence. All of them 
followed the same guidance: the guidance which was prescribed by the Lord for 
man at the outset of his career on the earth. All of them stood for the same 
mission: they called men to the religion of Islam, asked those who accepted 
the Divine Guidance to live in accordance with it: and organized them into a 
movement for the establishment of the Divine Law, and for putting an end to 
all deviations from he Right Path. Every prophet tried to fulfill this 
mission in the best possible way. But quite a number of people never accepted 
this guidance and many of those who accepted it gradually drifted astray and, 
after a lapse of time, lost the guidance or distorted it through innovations 
and perversions.

     6. At last, God raised Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) in the land 
of Arabia and assigned to him the completion of the mission for which earlier 
prophets were ordained. The message of Muhammad(peace be upon him) was for 
the whole of mankind. He presented anew the teachings of Islam, by calling 
mankind to the path of righteousness and with establishing the supremacy of 
the word of God on the earth. This guidance is enshrined in the Holy Qur’an 
which constitutes the only right code of conduct for mankind* 


* Tafheem al-Qur’an , Vol. I, pp.16-19

Inshallah, in part 2, we will  continue with Mawdudi's narration of :


Jabou N.Joh, 


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