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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Mr Makaveli <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 01:04:32 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (111 lines)
 Remember the guy who once confessed, " I tried to give up HEROIN, but my
efforts were all IN VEIN" ? (EMPHASIS mine). Well, I'm not going to say
much because the whole shebang is right here in your well written piece.
I mean the whole enchilada. But what do we get from Monsieur Le Directeur
General?  --Paranoid Accusations--. Katim, he better not put his
incompetent little fingers in your posting. Because you've already set the
record straight for all and sundry. But just watch-- keep an eye on that
"Re: ". This guys don't take no for an answer. Did you notice how berserk
Tombong went when Momodou Camara was barely trying to talk some sense to
him? The guy was so mad his keyboard stuttered. If this is how he handles
'old news'(i.e Matarr Njie's case), then just imagin how he will handles
'breaking news' as Director of TV and Radio(GRTS). I feel for his staff.

Mr Makaveli (o-:)

From: Katim S. Touray <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re-subscribing Matarr Njie
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Oct 24, 2001

Hi folks,

Given that many people have already spoken on the subject of re-subscribing Matarr
Njie to Gambia-L, I'll keep this short (I hope).  Besides the insults he has hauled
over lengthy periods of time to many Gambia-L subscribers and their parents, I'd like
to point out other issues that should be considered in evaluating pleas for his

Please remember that Mr. Njie was a major reason why Gambia-L was moved from the
Univ. of Washington, Seattle, to our present host, St. Johns Univ., New York.  Some
of you might recall that Mr. Njie had threatened to wage a campaign to have
UW-Seattle close-down Gambia-L, and for that reason, the person who sponsored our
list at UW asked that we find an alternative host.  Fortunately, I was able to get
St. Johns Univ. to host the list for us, and they have continued to do so since May,
1999.  In addition, they have archived all our postings for us, and for free.  I'm
very sure that if Mr. Njie had his way, Gambia-L would have been shut down a long
time ago.

Also, I'd like to add my support to the Gambia-L managers statement to the effect
that a Gambia-L subscription is not a birthright.  I have been on the Internet since
before the Web, have subscribed to and managed many lists, but I am yet to find a
single one that attempts to be run democratically, as Gambia-L management attempts to
run this list.  Indeed, the idea that Gambia-L should be managed democratically is
all my fault, and I sincerely apologize to all of you for this gross error of
judgment, and the wahala it's brought about.

When Gambia-L was formally created in early 1996 from a manual system I had created
in 1994 (after the military coup), I suggested that we have a number of people to
share the burden of managing it.  Thus was born the idea of "Gambia-L managers."  If
I remember correctly, the first group of managers were Tony Loum (who sponsored the
list at UW-Seattle), myself, Abdou Touray, Latjor Ndow, Malanding Jaiteh, Sarian
Loum, and Amadou Janneh.  The list managers were mostly charged with handling
subscription requests, and matters of that sort.

As the number of subscribers grew, the problems grew, as you can imagine.  We then
debated and decided to vote on a set of rules for the list.  Of particular concern in
this regard was the issue of what criteria and procedures to use for un-subscribing
people from the list.  Some of you might recall that it was Matarr Njie who collected
the votes, and reported the results to the list.  Shortly after the rules were
adopted, Mr. Njie started using very vile language on the list, and I threw him out.

But that wasn't the last we heard of him.  He had either re-subscribed under some
assumed name, and/or was he regularly checking the list archives to review our
postings.  Many people can vouch for the insults he e-mailed them whenever they
posted material critical of the Gambia government, and/or President Jammeh.
Furthermore he regularly insulted me and my parents in the e-mail he sent people, and
copied the e-mails to me.  I have filtered and saved 52 (fifty two) un-solicited
e-mails from Mr. Njie, and even though I haven't read all of them, I'm sure none of
them is flattering.

I find it interesting that Tombong Saidy should write to plea Mr. Njie's case.  He
might have forgotten that I in fact e-mailed him a while back, with a copy of one of
Mr. Njie's insulting e-mails, asking if he can help put a stop to them, given that
Mr. Njie was then on study-leave from the Gambian government service, or was studying
under the auspices of a scholarship he obtained through the Gambia government.  To
this day, I haven't had the courtesy of a reply from Mr. Saidy.

I would like to end this by saying that I fully support the position a number of
people have stated here:  if Mr. Njie is ready to apologize for his past behavior,
and agree to refrain from such in the future, he should be re-subscribed to the list.
However, he should have no delusion that he has any God-given rights that entitle him
to a Gambia-L subscription.  Furthermore, I should point out that if Mr. Saidy and
other APRC supporters think that this list is so anti-Jammeh, then why should they
bother to join it?  If their claims are true, their bid to re-subscribe Mr. Njie
would be like having Mr. Saidy raising hell to join the UDP, or to attend their
meetings.  Imagine what President Jammeh would make of *that*!  And you know what,
maybe they should go create their own mailing list, and leave us alone.

That's about it.  Have a great week(end), and best wishes.


Gambians Online " Designed With The Gambian People In Mind"


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