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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Ansumana Kujabi <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 7 Oct 2001 08:21:24 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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I wholeheartedly applaud your honest advice to our decent men and women in
uniform. I only hope they will see the light at the end of the tunnel and
follow your advice. By now, as Colly vividly lamented on Darbo's victory,
our decent men and women in uniform have seen a lime light emerging from a
mountain top which will soon become their savior. When I categorize our
patriotic men and women in uniform as decent folks, I am honestly referring
to the 90% of these fine service men/women whom, despite Moron Jammeh's
verminous reign, have remained loyal to the constitution of our beloved
country, and more importantly, they have always understood what DUTY to
country means. It has always been the 10% of these men and women in uniforms
who have mortgaged their souls to the devil and became hypnotized in
implementing the moronic orders of their vermin boss. But their days are
finished; its' a matter of days and hours, and minutes and seconds when
justice or LIBERTY BELL will be heard in MARCCARTHY SQUARE in our beloved
city of BANJUL. People will soon once again breathe the supreme scent of
freedom and independence, which used to be a second nature to people all
over the country. A typical proof of that freedom and independence used to
be on display during NAWETAN football matches in KG5 ARENA at HAGAN STREET
in Banjul, when happy and smiling men and women with each supporting their
teams will be dancing and cheering players of all races and tribes; even an
iota of segregation was never on people's mind. But it is the moron of all
morons, vermin of all vermin, imbecile of all imbeciles who came to change
all that for seven solid years. And consequently, nowadays being a JOLA or
WOLLOF or MANDINGO or FULANI matters in such a close and minute community
such as ours. This is pathetic and justice and freedom MUST prevail within
days, hours, minutes and seconds to come. Our decent men and women in
uniform must act on MORAL PRISM and DUTY to their beloved country and
strictly maintain law and order and fairness. They must not listen to the
imbecile of all imbeciles any more, for when he is failing, all those
executing his moronic orders will also fall alongside him. The time has now
ripe for freedom and independence to once again prevail in every household
and corridor of every decent gambian. GOD BLESS THE GAMBIA.


>From: ebrima chongan <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 17:08:23 -0700
>My fellow former colleagues, I would like to seize the
>opportunity of the coming elections to give a reminder
>of your fundamental duties during these trying times
>of our beloved country.
>The services are part of the institutions of the state
>and therefore belong to no political party. Your
>primary duties are the maintenance of law and order
>while protecting the citizens and their properties.
>Making sure that constitutional provisions are safe
>guarded particularly with regards to fundamental human
>The situation can be very difficult and tricky but
>surely you have the capability and capacity to ensure
>that there is a smooth and transparent way in handling
>your election duties notably crowd control.
>Commanders should issue clear, concise and legal
>operational orders, which if properly implemented
>could bring about trust from all the political
>parties. This would create an atmoshere and climate of
>security, safety and general peace.
>You have to remember that, we live in a global world
>and the whole world is watching. Nowadays there is no
>excuse that i was carrying my orders, there is no
>justification for carrying out an illegal order. Any
>action should not only be justifiable but reasonable.
>If our Senegalese and Ghanian brothers can do it, why
>not us the services of the Gambia.
>As i have reiterated above, this might involved very
>difficult and tricky situations but cool heads and
>applying the letter and spirit of the laws of the
>Gambia is the only just and viable option.
>I can share my past experiences under similar
>circumstances. In 1987 i was a very young commissioned
>officer fresh from officers school France, being part
>of the company escorting the president on a general
>elction campaign tour, my detachment was stationed at
>Sare Ngai near Fulabantang. I received a radio message
>from the company commander to reinforce them at
>Sankulay kunda crossing because there was a problem
>with Armitage High School students.
>Upon my arrival i was made to understand that the
>students were blocking the road to George Town island
>and the President could arrive any minute from
>Bansang. The company commander was really agitated and
>wanted to use force to disperse the students. I seek
>permission from him to talk to the students which was
>The students explain that their conditions at school
>was very terrible. I reason out with them that they
>might have a point but actually they were committing
>an offence namely obstructing the highway, however i
>told them that if they could give me few
>representatives and the rest retire to the side of the
>road, i will makesure when the president arrives, he
>would be made aware of their problems. After initial
>apprehention they reluctantly agreed.
>When the president arrived i took the iniative to talk
>to him, i must stress at this point that my company
>commander was really jittery as we were taking a huge
>gamble without having claerance from headquarters. i
>explained the problem to the president and he
>instructed one of the ministers with him to take note
>so that action could be taken. The whole episode was
>peacefully resolved without any injuries. I can
>continue and name many other examples such as Tumana
>by-elections or Brikama water riots in 1993 which were
>all handle peacefully despite been under very
>difficult circumstances.
>My final message to all of you is to realised that you
>owe your loyalty to your country which all of you have
>sworn to do upon enlistment. For any chance of
>economic development putting politics aside, which
>could benefit the whole populace including the members
>of the services is stability and above all the rule of
>law. The is no need reminding you that we live in an
>information technology era, even if a pin drops the
>whole world knows about it.I hope and trust that you
>will carry out your duties within the letter and
>spirit of the laws of Our Great Country The GAMBIA.
>--- ebou colly <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > I have decided to shelve my eleventh article this
> > week
> > in order to participate in the ongoing debate about
> > Major Chongan. No doubt I am affected as well.
> > But before that, I would take a moment to commend
> > Mr.
> > Ousainou Darbo and the U.D.P. for their wonderful
> > commitment recently by boldly announcing their
> > party's
> > inclination to constitutionally limit the term of
> > future Gambian presidents in office to two terms of
> > five years each. As far as I am concerned I strongly
> > think that the ultimate solution to the political
> > turmoil of modern African countries might never be
> > realized without seriously committing elected
> > governments to such a regulation. Apart from the
> > fact
> > that this would condition our leaders to be mindful
> > of
> > the recklessness, waste and maddening attributes
> > reminiscent of the hopeless "Mannsa"-style
> > presidency,
> > it would for the good of all decisively eliminate
> > the
> > pathetic culture of sycophancy and "juju" or oracle
> > dependent leadership. It would be the only political
> > dynamics that would finally awaken the poor masses
> > to
> > understand that presidents are servants to the
> > people
> > and that anyone of them who would not perform
> > his/her
> > role according to expectation would be changed for
> > the
> > right person. In that case "dirmo" presidents who
> > think they could amass wealth in any means
> > possible-crookedly in most cases- and then use their
> > filthy resources to buy their seats forever would
> > find
> > something more positive to do for posterity during
> > their tenure. And once the president is affected, it
> > is apparent that all other relevant institutions
> > endangered or corruptible by power monopolization
> > would somehow be insulated to adopt the same
> > principle. With votes' cards still purchasable for
> > mere D25.00, there is little hope of effectively
> > educating the Gambian masses on the importance of
> > universal suffrage. We can't blame them much;
> > poverty
> > should.
> > However, without doubt the armed forces would be
> > among
> > those critical institutions that ought to be
> > immediately affected. Chiefs of Staff, by all
> > standards, are responsibilities dangerously abused
> > if
> > their holders see no limit to the time they should
> > occupy their positions. It breeds low morale and job
> > apathy, a sure catalyst for mutiny or even coups.
> >  Coups in Africa, to be frank, have in most
> > incidents
> > been attributed to power monopolization by
> > governments
> > shooting their way to office or perfecting all the
> > election tricks that could always vote them back to
> > their positions. Such leaders-Yaya being no
> > exception-
> > could never wake up to the reality that there would
> > one day come that regrettable turning point that
> > never
> > fails. Anyway to save a future Gambian president and
> > the other unsuspecting victims who might
> > unnecessarily
> > suffer the unfortunate consequence of the ultimate
> > downfall, I think Mr. Darbo and his party militants
> > should be commended and encouraged to stick by this
> > desire all the way to the successful end.
> > My next commendation goes to Major Chongan. Your
> > courage and determination to come forward and air
> > out
> > your flawless views here as former Gambian service
> > personnel is awesome. The attacks launched on you
> > from
> > different sources on your past record are ridiculous
> > but quite normal. You must however remember that
> > there
> > is a bigger picture that most of these people could
> > never perceive. But before highlighting the key
> > elements in that picture I would want to draw your
> > attention to a simple but hard fact. We are
> > pioneering
> > a military tradition here that we must continue by
> > all
> > means. This is the first time in the history of
> > modern
> > African militarism for active service members to
> > come
> > forward and discuss what they actually experienced
> > in
> > one of the several coups that had happened in the
> > continent. We are talking about a continental agenda
> > here, not Gambia alone. So with the positive private
> > mails I have been receiving from different parts of
> > the world, I am now convinced that we are doing an
> > honorable job, something that may have helped save
> > the
> > continent from numerous past coup traumas, if
> > soldiers
> > who had experienced them in other countries had done
> > the same. Who would have known or heard the true
> > stories if we had not volunteered our time, energy
> > and
> > resources to do so? Not a civilian anyway. I think
> > the
> > only internationally published work about the coup
> > in
> > the Gambia originated from a Ghanaian whose work is
> > acceptable but rather inadequate. It is however a
> > widely read authority in the subject, now used by
> > scholars in their research on modern Gambian
> > matters.
> > We have also shattered that stereotype concept that
> > soldiers are generally gun-toting-dumb fools who did
> > not know what they were doing or saying. Most of
> > those
> > angry expressions originate from funny people
> > disappointed that we still prevail after they had
> > perhaps once, in the past, concluded in their
> > shallow
> > minds that we were headed for purgatory without
> > failure. Some of these people were the very ones
> > glad
> > that we were detained at Mile Two Prisons in the
> > first
> > place and would have happily booked for front seats
> > if
> > the AFPRC government, for our public execution by
> > firing squad, had distributed invitations. Certainly
> > they had made various statements about why we were
> > arrested without having a clue about what
> > transpired.
> > Some of them had even fabricated their own stories
> > about some imagined power struggles that took place
> > between Yaya the macho man and us the weaklings,
> > leading to our well deserved demise in 1994. Most
> > likely they had also naively spread around their
> > wishes with demonic expectation that death would be
> > our ultimate fate. So just try to imagine how these
> > hate elements were reduced to victims of their own
> > activities when out of the blue they saw us, one by
> > one, coming back to our meaningful lives, fit and
> > well, but above all, proven totally innocent. The
> > abuse of human rights they are trying to slam
> > against
> > your past records, as a former law-enforcement
> > officer
> > would have certainly denied you the asylum status
> > you
> > had been granted in Britain years ago. Perhaps these
> > people lack the common knowledge that western
> > countries willing to offer political asylum to
> > victims
> > like you are thoroughly investigated to see whether
> > they had committed any identical sins that could
> > disqualify them. Therefore if you, Sir Dawda, Bakary
> > Darbo or me were the demons some of these ignorant
> > bums are trying to make out of us then the British
> > or
> > American government would have long since thrown us
> > out of their country or even forced us to face the
> > justice we deserved. Now if these funny critics
> > think
> > they know better than those who conduct such
> > investigations, then all I could say is that we are
> > dealing with dreamers. All we could do about "them
> > folks" is to ignore them and leave them with another
> > future judgement of time. When Yaya is thrown out of
> > office, I am sure that as usual some of them would
> > some day in the future be punished again by their
> > own
> > conscience-if they have any at all.
> > So Mr. Chongan, hang-in there, tough as a nail and
> > keep up the struggle. The ratcheted-up rhetoric
> > should
> > never make you waver. Always remember that you were
> > the only senior law-enforcement officer in 1994 to
> > boldly come out and challenge the gang of bandits
> > whose seizure of our country is the worse to ever
> > have
> > happened in our history. Your name would positively
> > be
> > remembered in history, regardless of what. Centuries
> > from now when Gambians ask about who you were
> > records
> > would show that you were a gallant son of the
> > nation.
> > Remember that futile efforts were made from all
> > angles
> > to batter me into silence since I surfaced in this
> > forum and I still expect more from these losers who
> >
>=== message truncated ===
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