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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 22:59:24 EDT
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Facing a certain defeat in October, Yahya is apparently trying to resort to
stagging socalled 'endorsements' from groups of dubious constitution with
zero electoral clout. Let's begin with the much hyped endorsement of the
World Conference of Mayors some of whose American members are quoted as
stating that they would return in October to effectively campaign for Yahya.
To those who may have thought that the WCM is a reputable organization with a
track record of doing good, I got news for you. It is nothing other than a
business proposition craftily disguised as a respectable organization with
access to the US government and related agencies that can facilitate
commerce, technology transfer and all the other high sounding claims the
organizers make. They are not affiliated with the US conference of mayors
which is the premier organization of Mayors in the U. S, neither are they
affiliated with other globally centered organization of Mayors. It is not an
overstatement to call it a hustling outfit. To pariahs like Yahya who have no
access to the U. S government, a well dressed American that is smooth enough
to flatter him with silly accolades and pie in the sky promises will fit in
nicely into his amateurish attempts at legitimizing himself. It is quite a
commentary if Yahya is actually posturing for the endorsement of a small town
southern mayor who doesn't give a hoot if folks in Kuntaya are eating grass.
All these hustlers angle for is the ability to tell some businessman
somewhere that they have access to a third world tyrant somewhere. The whole
idea is to parley access for commercial gain. The WCM will never be a benefit
to a single Gambian and as a result people should rightly see it's cuddling
and shameless endorsement of a murderous regime for it really is. It is a
creul public relations gimmick perpetrated by an evil and tyrannical
president and a dubious outfit. The videos they are now peddling as a
valuable record belongs to the archives of shame in the rooms of GRTS.
   It was also reported by GRTS today that another dubious outfit calling
itself The National Patriotic Student Associations comprising of student
headboys, headgirls and senior prefects have come with a ringing endorsement
of Yahya Jammeh essentially calling him the best thing that has ever happened
to Education. Of course a preponderance of Gambian students would much rather
have Yahya and his henchmen tried for capital crimes for murdering their
colleagues in cold blood 16 months ago.Infact most list members would be glad
to know that almost all students of voting age have registered and are
determined to vote in October. It is preposterous to even remotely assume
that the traumatized students of Gambia would contemplate any fate other that
a swift defeat for this regime. The whole purpose behind releasing the
socalled endorsement letter is to create the false impression that the
primary victims of the worst state sanctioned crime in the historyof our
country have consigned the matyred souls of their colleagues to the anals of
history. In effect they want to the public to view the students as saying '
well this government killed our friends but they love us anyway'. The thought
itself is macabre! In the next few days you will hear that Yahya or one of
his cronies has given this illegitimate student organization money or
material for their endorsement. It too would be viewed in it's proper context
and the Gambian people would render the same certain and swift verdict on
October 18.
   The final layer of endorsement gimmickry would come this weekend in Basse
when Yahya would gather his prostituted chiefs for what they are billing as a
Mansa Bengno. Except for Seyfo Morro Jawla of Sami none of those showing up
for  that gathering has the legitimate mandate of the people they are
actively repressing. They will come as shameless sycophants jostling for face
time and posturing to impress the only person they serve. They have brought
nothing but destructive polarization to the people they have been imposed on
by using their usurped position to conduct terror and spread rancor among
neighbors and families. They will pretend to be respectable and behave as if
they speak for the people. None of them would be speaking for or to the
aspirations of their people. Like their benefactor Yahya, they are charlatans
and enemies of the people. They are also at the forefront of fomenting
violence against those who oppose this regime. The village level band of
thugs affiliated with the government get their marching orders from these
illegal chiefs. They are criminals in every sense of the word. GRTS listeners
and viewers would be dutifully treated a nauseating dose grandstanding,
sycophancy and lies from Basse.
     None of these would change the outcome of the polls because no matter
what the socalled endorsers say, Yahya would still be saddled with a very
terrible record. He has brought Gambians death, corruption and destitution
and the people are determined to end that. He can bring the Presidents of
Cuba, Libya and Taiwan as a trio assemble to campaign with him from now to
the eve of the election. He will still loose. He will also go to the place he
really deserves: the long arm of justice.


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