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EILEEN HADDON <[log in to unmask]>
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* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Wed, 30 Jan 2002 16:07:02 -0500
text/plain (21 lines)
A client whose team I will be working with had a major TBI a couple years ago. The injury wasn't an SCI, but it had similiar results. He is unable to read from left to right, even if it's on a computer screen with a masking feature. What they've found is that he can read if it's a single line of words on a strip of paper, like ticker tape. I don't know yet if a single-line sized viewing screen would also work.

Cognitively, the guy is doing great -- his lowest grade so far has been a 95. The team is hoping that somewhere a device exists that could convert computer text and/or hard-copy text into  this ticker-tape format.

As always, I look forward to your ideas and suggestions!

Eileen Haddon, ATP
Vermont Assistive Technology Project

Eileen C. Haddon, ATP
Vermont Assistive Technology Project
Vermont Technical College
Randolph Center, VT  05061
Phone: 802-728-1520 / Fax: 802-728-1390

Rehab Engineering Technology  --  Make a difference!
