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Sun, 7 Oct 2001 11:04:48 -0400
Janet-Celiac <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Well - as usual this board has been helpful!  Not only have I gotten the
advice requested -- but I reminded that my pillow may or may not be
Gluten Free!! (many many people told me not to eat it in error!!!)

If interested -- here is a recap of solutions and recipes I received.

Thanks folks.

Tampa Bay Celiacs

You might want to try Authentic Foods Pancake & Baking Mix.  On the back
of the package, their is a recipe for a spice muffin. Taste just like
the spice cake you remember. Their web site is at http://www.glutenfree-


We have an OLD recipe in our family that I have made gf...and use a
cake mix.  Thoroughly grease 2 9" pans [Use butter or Crisco//never
margarine or Pam..one sticks and other nother is not gf] and line bottom
with parchement paper  Preheat oven to 350

1 gf yellow cake mix
oil or butter as required by mix
1 teas cinnamon
1/2 teas each nutmeg, allspice
1/4 teas cloves
1 tablespoon cocoa
1 can gf tomato soup....in a pinch you can use 1 cup ketchup [you read
4 eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup raisins
1 cup coconut  the last three ingredients are optional, although in my

Combine dry ingredients....follow pkg directions....adding tomato
product in place of water [don't worry if it's more ] if desired, dust
pan with additional cocoa powder and pour batter into pan. Bake at 350
for about 35 min or until tests done...Frost with cream

cheese frosting or your fav. choco frosting

cream cheese frosting...combine 8oz pkg cream cheese, 1 lb pkg
confectioner's sugar and juice and rind of half a lemon.  Combine and


Gluten-Free Pantry has a mix for a spice cake, that is really quite good.

Good luck!  Enjoy!  (Be careful not to eat your pillow during those
dreams ...  :-)     )


I don't know if you tried the Gluten Free Pantry - "nice & spicy
gingerbread mix", but I made it last week for my 12 year old son and he
absolutely loved it. I made it in muffins for him so I could freeze them
and he could heat them himself. I did not try them because I am also
allergic to corn so I'm going on his response to them.

I have tried the Danish spice cake recipe in More from the Gluten Free
Gourmet and thought is was very good...its a good book


The Really Great Food company has a the best cake mixes.   They are huge and
tasty.  All of their cakes turn out fantastic, even better now that I have a
Kitchen Aid mixer.  I found them in the "Sully's Living Without" magazine.
Their # is 1-800-593-5377.


Gluten-free pantry has a mix that I really enjoy.


Spiced Muffins- I use Better Hag mans Muffin Mix recipe- I add
in crushed sliced almonds, use Orange juice for the liquid, add in 1/4
co. applesauce, and cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger- Yummy!


This is just about as good as it get!  Bevy in Milwaukee

Carrot Cake
Beat:  4 eggs    2 co. sugar      3/4 co. oil
Add: 3-4 oz. jars Gerber strained carrots (to halve recipe us 1-cozy junior
Mix together & add to above:
  2 co. go.if. flour               3 tsp. cinnamon
  2 tsp. baking soda       1 tsp. salt
  1 tsp. xanthan gum
Stir in: 1 c. chopped nuts, if desired
Pour into lightly greased 9x13" pan.  Bake at 350=BA for 40 minute.
Frost w/=20
butter cream or cream cheese frosting


doesn't The Gluten Free Pantry have a spice cake mix? Seems like I
recently bought one...for the freezer collection.


I make the "Scandinavian Spice Cake" from the "More from the Gluten-Free
Gourmet"  cookbook by Bette Hagman.  Really yummy, moist!


 This one I haven't tried yet in gf form but  it is easy.

In a blender mix:

1 (20 oz) can of apple pie filling
4 large eggs
1 T apple pie spice
1/4 t ground cloves

in a bowl mix:

1 18 oz package yellow cake mix
1 cup raisins
1 cup walnuts.

Now add the ingredients from the blender into the bowl. Mix together.
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. pour into greased 9 x 13 inch pan and bake
for 55 minutes or until cake tests done. Cool and frost


Here's the other one. a converted pumpkin bar recipe:

1c oil
2c sugar
2c pumpkin
4 eggs
2c gf flour
2t baking powder
1t baking soda
1/2 t salt
2 t cinnamon (use spices to taste, it could use more than in the original
1/2t ginger
1/4 tsp cloves

Mix all together. Bake in greased 11 x 13 pan (or 9 x 13 plus another
small pan) for 3350 degrees for 30 min. Cool and frost or sprinkle with
powdered sugar. (Feel free to experiment with the   spices.  I felt it
could use more than what the recipe said)

3 oz cream cheese
1t vanilla
3/4 stick margarine
1 3/4c conf sugar.

Cream all together till smooth.


I have made the Scandinavian Spice Cake in Bette's second book-More From The
Gluten Free Gourmet on page 106.  I also have another recipe of my own that
is an applesauce cake but tastes like a spice cake.  The applesauce keeps
the cake moist.