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"VICUG-L: Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List" <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 2 Aug 2001 07:07:07 -0600
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (116 lines)
     The Blind Online News Service International is an expansion
of my old phone book monthly electronic publication which most of
you knew as the Internet Phone Book Of Blind Users and Services.
those files are now being modified and managed by Scott Berry
through another website and you likely will hear more about that
later from him.  Those files, however, still appear as text files
on my website as a resource but they are slowly taking on the form
of web links and text based information.  BONS International is
something new, something different, and something that is updated
weekly.  BONS International takes you one step further into
getting the information you want and on demand.  Plus, IT IS FREE.

     BONS is a blind news service resource which is web based,
quickly accessed, updated weekly, and is available to read online
at my website but that's not all.

     Who wants to take time logging onto a website, only to
discover nothing has changed since you last logged on.  The Blind
Online News Service International is going to make your life much
easier when it comes to obtaining and researching blind related
news on the internet.

     I am providing a weekly one way newsletter which will
briefly describe, in one or two lines, new articles, files,
software, and websites and will include direct links to all the
articles.  In short, you will click on the article's link and go
directly to that article.  No more logging on to a site and
spending a half an hour hunting around only to discover nothing is
new.  You will read only what you determine interesting while
skipping all the rest.  Plus the electronic newsletter will only
be sent to you once each week and it is a one way mailing list so
I will be the only person posting the newsletter and information
each week.  You won't have to worry about your mail box filling up
with unwanted junk email.

     the format of the weekly newsletter will look like this.

Category.  Spam Scams And viruses.
How Spammers Collect Your Email Address.

Category.  Science And Technology.
Why I Like Broad Band.

Category.  Products And Services.
Freedom box.  Now tell your computer where to go.

     In this example, if you were to click on any of the http
links in the newsletter email message, you would go directly to
that link and only that article would be displayed.  Even if you
are still using a dial up modem, your browser will log you on and
display just that article.  If you are using broad band services,
it will be even faster and with almost no delay.  If the email
weekly newsletter announces 50 new articles and links, but you
only find interest in two or three, now you can read just those
articles without having to ever dial up the website and sift
through dozens of web links in which you have absolutely no

     To join the Blind Online weekly newsletter, click on the
address below or send a blank email message to

[log in to unmask]

That's all there is to it.  If you use the email address to
subscribe, you will have to reply to a message which
comes back to you before you are actually subscribed to the
newsletter mailing list.  You literally do this by replying
because it uses header information in the message to confirm you
did indeed send a subscription command to the server via email.

     Although many articles are currently available on my website
for you to read, beginning the week of August the fifth, the BONS
weekly newsletter will be released.  Each week thereafter, you
will receive a single email message with one or two line
descriptions, plus the direct link, to articles of interest on
topics such as, blind news, speech friendly websites, audio links
of interest to the blind, health and medicine, inspiration,
adaptive equipment for sale, adaptive product and services,
science and technology, software support, blind related mailing
lists, blind related businesses, spam scam and virus reports and
much more.  If it is blind related, the Blind Online News Service
International will have it.  Obtaining blind related information
has never been easier.

     Additionally, if you have any contribution, simply email them
to me and I will add them to the list.  In fact, please send your
contributions because, like the phone book, it was only made
possible by other blind people sharing information.

     For more information, click on the link below and go directly
to the Blind Online News Service International main Menu.
For the current newsletter, click on:
     For further questions, email me at
[log in to unmask]
and I'll be happy to respond.

Phil Scovell
Denver, Colorado USA

 Aiming For The Stars

VICUG-L is the Visually Impaired Computer User Group List.
To join or leave the list, send a message to
[log in to unmask]  In the body of the message, simply type
"subscribe vicug-l" or "unsubscribe vicug-l" without the quotations.
 VICUG-L is archived on the World Wide Web at