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Sun, 29 Apr 2001 16:21:16 -0700
Sidona Ryan <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

First, I have a story to share.  I don't share many stories on the list,
but I want to share this one.  I have a cousin that just died.  She
passed out one day, went into a coma and died about 4 days later.  They
said by the end, her organs were failing on her. The family chose not to
perform an autopsy.  When my son was diagnosed 3 years ago with celiac,
I informed my whole family.  At that time, my dad told me that my cousin
"had" celiac, but doesn't have it anymore.  You can imagine my response.
(Standard)  She did not follow a gluten-free diet.  She had her stomach
stapled once about 10-12 years ago and then had complications with
that.  She has had thyroid problems and other intestinal problems for
some time.  So, there is no telling what caused her death and we'll
never know.

This cousin is on my dad's side of the family.  My father is lactose
intolerant and has had intestinal problems off and on.  He has told me
that he threw up a lot as a child and had diarrhea off and on.  He told
me once (before my son was diagnosed) and told me he was cutting back on
bread based on someone's suggestions.  He told me he felt better.  At
the time, I thought he was going overboard.  "Who would give up bread
and how could it hurt you?"  I've come a long way baby.  Anyway, when my
son was diagnosed I told my dad he should get tested.  He hasn't wanted
to, until now.  I think my cousin's death hit close to home.  I told him
to ask his gastro about a blood test for celiac.  His gastro told him
that he isn't showing any weight loss which is what he looks for first.
But to appease my dad, he told him the first thing he does to diagnose
celiac is an x-ray.  So, I have two questions:

1)  Has anyone of you ever been told an x-ray would be a form of
diagnosis of celiac?

2)  Can anyone in Memphis or Southaven, MS recommend a
gastroenterologist that is very knowledgeable about celiac?

Please understand, I'm not saying that celiac was the cause of my
cousin's death.  I just feel saddened that she was told she had celiac
and that she was somehow cured of it.  In turn, she didn't follow the
diet.  This all breaks my heart.

Thank you in advance for your help.
