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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Mohinder Bains <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Aug 2001 15:00:40 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Jungle sunset,
Is the generator business a cheap ploy to boost the Kanilai Butcher's
electoral chances.  What one cannot understand is why now not earlier?

Would you agree with me that the commissioning of generators should have
been given a higher priority than that stupid Arch 22 edifice.

You mentioned in your posting on this matter that "30 years of darkness".
Wasn't it right then to have made the availability of electricity supply the
No 1. priority in 1994.  But no, then the Butcher and his cohorts were busy
milking the Gambia dry.

I would deign to add that during all this time, Kanilai was enjoying
constant supply of electricity.  Had the Butcher been as patriotic as he is
portraying, he would not have resorted to being cocooned with all mod coms
at his disposal whilst ordinary gambians were suffering.

Your hypocrisy is now manifested to the full.  Have you for once, even
commented on this scenario.  I hope you dare not ! Because if you did,  you
would not see sunset for a long time to come.  Such is the Dictators
pronouncement of Accountability, Probity and Transparency that even his own
supporters dare not speak of any of his frailties for fear of a visit by the
NIA. I can surmise that what you are posting to G_L is done out of fear for
the Butcher and NIA and not for provoking debate on gambian issues. Yet let
me warn you! the Dictator's type are not easily appeased!  remember Saja
Taal, Cheyassin Secka etc. for each of this their Sun is set and so shall
your Sunset arrived.

I hope Mr. Le Directeur is reflecting on these thoughts as well.


>From: Mohinder Bains <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: 7 years of Darkness
>Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 12:43:04 +0000
>So much for transparency, accountability and probity.  For seven good years
>all gambians were and are still in the dark as to how President Jammeh has
>acquired his so called wealth.  I think he must be the greatest Businessman
>on earth to turn a monthly salary of around D26,000 dalasis to millions of
>Dollars with little or no visible action of work done, or is this the case?
>HeHe HeHe He ! as ambassador Sey  tends to quip. Anyway, posterity will
>light on this.
>Seven Years in the Dark!
>Alas! another generator is on the way. With the resources that was at our
>disposal Seven years ago, Any leader worth his salt would have done it
>within six months of coming to power.
>But instead the fool was so entranced with the trappings of power, busy
>filling his pockets in order to suffer poverty again forever .  Now that
>every hiding places is bulging with loot, he decided to go for cheap
>popularity and reward the gambian people for according him the opportunity.
>Seven Dark years!
>Was there any necessity for a ban.  Why rejoice for lifting something which
>should not have been in place at all.  This is like punishing a child for a
>misdemeanour only to give him a sweet afterwards asking him to be grateful
>for your kindness. However, who is responsible for enacting laws in the
>gambia? President Jammeh or Parliament.
>Seven Years of darkness!
>All this pronouncements(i.e. projects like the arch, airport etc) by jammeh
>supporters should be taken at face value. Any development stride achieve
>should not be a cause for rejoincing. Isn't it a  governments duty to
>provide a platform for development. How could this  be regarded as the
>benevolence of one individual.  If one's duty is being mistaken as a
>benevolent act on his behalf, then definitely that individual sense of duty
>and patriotism is very much lacking and demeaning.
>Mr Le directeur! I was hoping to see your posting on my proposal but
>you have stooped very low indeed.  Your exaltations like those posted below
>shows how gullible jammmeh supporters are.  The attitude portrayed by you
>and Rising Sun gassama speaks volumes for your consideration of fellow
>gambians who are not as privilege as you two.
>This only proves how selfish and corrupt minded our well- fed and contented
>functionaries in the Jammeh Government despised the common man.  Thanks to
>the acountability of President Jammeh.
>One thing you must remember.  As the sun rises so shall it dawn.  But it
>appears that Mr Sunrise's leave never ends.
>>From: TOMBONG SAIDY <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Lamin Gets 2 Million Dalasi Project
>>Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 03:49:14 -0500
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