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Mon, 25 Dec 2000 14:38:54 -0600
Rebecca markle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (133 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received a number of replies to my earlier post regarding gout in the
family line.  I sent out a questionaire  & got 7 replies back.
Including myself, that makes 8 respondents.

Let me try to summarize by giving you a pictorial:
        Migraines    Constipation    Sensory    Blood Type    Blood =
Pressure    Wt. gain    Gender

1        Infrequent    Yes            light & noise    O                =
105-110            Between        Female
                                                sensitivity              =
          over 80            shoulders &
                                   navel           =20

2        Mother &      Yes        None, but pictorial                 =
Mother has       belly, hips    Female
         father both                   memory                unknown   =
high b.p.            & butt
            have   =20

3        Not             Yes        Sensitive            A -             =
   high                not
        mentioned                    hearing                             =
                         mentioned        Female

4        Migraines=20
        from dairy      alternating    hyperstrong    A-            was =
high,         Chest &            Female
                            consp. &    taste, touch,                 =
droppped on        abdomen
                             diarrhea       smell, poor                a =
low carb=20
                                                vision                   =

5        Dairy            not const.,    "bionic        A-        not =
known            lean                    male
        Migraines    but large w/        hearing"

6        yes         not mentioned    hearing         O+        not =
mentioned not mentioned    Mother to Resp.
                                                distortion               =
                                                         # 5
                                                as part of
                                                migraine aura

7       Yes    Yes                    pictoral memory    O+    was very  =
          Chest, belly         Female
                                             auditorially sensitive      =
   low before        & butt               =20
        going gf, now   =20
8        None    Yes, but       pictoral memory,    O-        Average    =
    Very lean            Female
                    not often        vision problems
                                        when esposed to

Notes:  Respondent 4 identified herself as knowing that she was in the
autistic spectrum.

Respondent 5 & 6 are related, son in the autistic spectrum & mother.

Because of space limitations, I had to cut off the responses to muscle
soreness issues:  Respondent 1 had muscle soreness that goes away while
on B-complex vitamins...lately she ran out, didn't replace them &
noticed that the soreness was back.

Respondent 2 replied that the soreness and achiness decreased on a gf/cf

Respondent 4 (Aus. spec) described her muscle issues as a fatigue and
burning before going g/f.      She has been diagnosed with gout, also.


In looking through my notes, Resp 2 had an uncle with gout,  Resp.s 3 &
4 both are women with gout, (# 3 describes herself as casein
intolerant), Resp.s 5 & 6 have a grandfather who had gout, & responden 7
had a father with gout.

I don't have a definite "hit" for gout on # 1, but she seems to fit the
profile.  No definite  hit for gout on   #8 either....but she had given
me a lot of info on where to find answers on gout.  Herprofile is a
little bit different...she's very lean (6 feet tall, 118 lbs)

Some of us report "super" senses.  Hearing issues are indicated.  Visual
problems are reported when the body is challenged by toxins. Some of us
think & remember in pictures.  ( I think of that old Isaac Asimov
line..."I have a photographic memory...I rember anything that is next to
a photo" )  A couple of us have to see something in order to have it
stay in memory.

If anyone would want to do a more scientific, more detailed study, I
would suggest getting more concrete details such as height, weight, &
age of subjects.  Age may be important, as there might be a correlation
between gout symptoms and age.  I'm still not sure of the thyroid
involment here...#1 & # 4 are on thyroid medication, # 8 has a sister
with hypothroidism and rheumatoid arthritis, but # 8 herself has a lot
of energy ...and no migraines.

In following up on the pictoral memory, I wonder if more of us with this
purine metabolism trait are more concrete thinkers than abstract
thinkers.  I can methodically plod from point A to point B, but am
dismal at helping a fifth-grader with her math homework!  Numbers hold
no meaning for me.

Hope this helps!


Ps:  I had included blood type, because my husband was type A & I am
type O.  Daughter 1 has my physical profile, and daughter 2 (PDD) is as
slender as a reed.  I wonder if there is a correlation between  blood
type and how we store  fat in our bodies.