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Bob and Rita Atwood <[log in to unmask]>
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Bob and Rita Atwood <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 28 Apr 2002 10:37:29 -0500
text/plain (87 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

This is my first post to the group. I was going to respond to Dawn about an
oats question, but the e-mail got so long and had (what I felt) a much
greater scope, I thought I would share with everyone.

I was diagnosed having "Celiac Disease" by Dr. Fine's lab one month ago, but
I have been on a strict GF diet for (about) a year and a half. Before going
GF, I had all the symptoms: brain fog, severe weight loss, diarrhea, bone
pain, muscle aches and spasms, etc., etc. etc. I found this list, went GF,
and immediately felt better. Even so, I found cutting out gluten wasn't
enough, as I was have a multitude of reactions to other foods (and I've
figured out most of it -- I HOPE!).

It's easier to tell you what I "CAN" eat:

1. fresh meat (no processed meat, like sausage, bacon, or deli meats),
2. fresh vegetables (have had no problems with some canned stuff, like
tomatoes and mushrooms -- but no frozen foods), and
3. fresh fruits.

I have (almost) totally removed all PROCESSED FOODS from my diet.

I've discovered that I can't tolerate any types of gluten-free bakery
products -- I don't know why. At this point I don't care. I've cut out all
grains (including corn, oats, and rice), legumes (beans), eggs, soy, and
milk and milk products. I CAN tolerate corn-on-the-cob and AIR popped
popcorn (fresh corn -- no processing) -- no toppings, just salt (I use
kosher salt -- every now and then I used regular for the iodine). This makes
me wonder about contamination of ALL flours/starches (for the extremely
sensitive, that is).

One other VERY important thing I've discovered: enzymes. I would eat food
and it seemed to just "sit there" in my gut -- felt  I had swallowed a stone
(this is after I went GF). I thought perhaps my pancreas is not producing
the necessary enzymes to break food down (a "sluggish" or "lazy" pancreas,
so to speak). So I went to the health food store, bought some enzymes, and
NO MORE PROBLEMS!!! The distended belly and gas are both history! This is
the best I've felt since I was a kid!!!

The enzymes I'm taking are called "Pancreatin" 1400 mg by KAL. From what I
recall, they are composed of dried and ground hog's pancreas (sounds icky,
doesn't it!).  I decided to go with animal enzymes as opposed to vegetable
based -- I felt it would do a better job (as would be closer to my natural
enzymes). I take two (2) tabs with a meal (right after eating). If I have
some popcorn for a snack, I'll take one.

I also take a calcium supplement (I have a mild case of osteopenia -- bone
loss). I'm taking "Caltrate 600 + D" -- I get no reaction, but I can only
take one per meal, as they upset my stomach (if I take more). I'm taking
three (3) tabs daily.

The last thing: I'm taking probiotics -- they are dried inactive bacteria
that are normally found in the large intestine. It's important to keep the
flora population correct in the gut -- these bacteria help with digestion,
as well. I figured I probably didn't have any flora action going!! The brand
I am taking is called "Culturelle." It is Lactobacillus GG, which is
(reportedly -- by Culturelle, that is) able to survive the digestive
acids/tract better than other forms of Lactobacilli. It is totally gluten
free (I get no reaction from it). It can be ordered online, in quantity, at
the following URL:
< http://www.culturelle.com/ >. It's the cheapest place I've found it. I
can't say if it is helping or not -- it just makes sense (to me) to use it.

Let me recap what I'm doing -- this is a long e-mail:

1. fresh meat,
2. fresh vegetables,
3. fresh fruits,
4. calcium,
5. enzymes, and
6. probiotics

I haven't found a vitamin supplement yet -- I need too, but I'm a bit
reluctant to try -- don't want to mess myself up again! If someone knows of
one, please let me know! I've been juicing fresh fruits and veggies as my
vitamins, but this gets to be a real drag ... I'm in the kitchen wayyyyy too
much, as it is.

I am so glad I found this list!

Best Wishes,


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