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Thu, 26 Apr 2001 08:44:48 -0400
Linda Mccarty <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (217 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Question:  Has anyone tried Veratrum ALB 30C or Papaya Pills after
accidentally ingesting gluten?  (Include details)


They are tiny pills that come in  a small tube bottle at the health food
store. I think they are sugar and maybe lactose, they can tell you at
the store.  They have many, for different symptoms.  The one mentioned
here would best describe relief for one such as celiac. My husband takes
them on overseas flights for nausea, myself for nausea,  my celiac son
(12) takes them with flu.  They seemed most effective for flu. You get
lots for only about $5.  We even brought them to school when he was
having recurring diarrhea, which may have only been from stress. We have
not tried them for gluten mistakes....he just had his first mistake in 11 yrs.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Veratrum is a homeopathic remedy.  The 30 CH is the potency.
Potentencies start at 6CH and can range extremely high only to be
administered by a Homeopath or a Naturapath. Pick up a basic homeopathic
book at a used bookstore and it should give you a basic outline of how
this stuff works.  Trust me, it does work.  My girlfriends little girl
(age 6) is celiac.  I diagnosed the entire family (sigh).   She had the
mouth canker sores and of course stupid doctor says, "Oh, she's got
herpes simplex l" here's your oragel.  I administered RhusTox 200CH
(high dose, poison ivy derivative) every 15 minutes for 3 hours and at
the 2-l/4 mark Allison said her mouth had stopped hurting!  Her mother
was amazed as she was armed with the orajel! and didn't need it.  Ally's
mouth is healing quickly now.

There are two ways of administering a remedy.  Tincture form is distilled in
alcohol.  We always put the dosage in an ounce of warm water to "blow off"
the alcohol content.

Stephanie can take the little pills, under the tongue, dissolve ONLY, with
no problem.  More is not better! The remedy is designed to bypass the
ingestion process and enter the bloodstream directly through the mouth

Homeopathic remedies are NEVER given to "allow" ingestion.

The only brands of homeopathic remedies I will buy are Dolisos and Boiron.
Dolisos is perfect.

Now the important stuff.  If you do decide to use the Vertrum there is a
method to the madness.

You must catch the ingestion very quickly, before it has a chance to get
into the intestine.  Every 15 minutes for the first 3 HOURS you give her
3 little pills, under the tongue, to dissolve.  She should start showing
signs of pain subsiding within this time period.  After the 3 hours go
to 3 pills every half hour, then every hour, then every 2 hours then
every 3 hours and so on till 12 hours.  Then you can discontinue.  Pills
are quite inexpensive. You should pay about 4-6 dollars for each vial.
THEY CAN'T HURT HER!!!!  You can't overdose on homeopathic remedies.  If
a certain remedy doesn't work than it's not the correct one for the
person involved.  This is where a Naturapath is worth her weight in
gold.  They prescribe - we take!  They do the matching up and it's quite
an art form.  There are some terrific holistic web sites under the
RageFree Kids, RitalinFreeKids, etc. hosted by Dr. and Dr. Ullman.
There people are wonderful homeopaths and have written some incredible
books on the subject.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

I have an allergy to gluten can eat it some timeThe product that works for
me is [dyhydrochloric acid] or bile salts.

This works for me allowing me to eat some glutin some times. I started using
this in 1970 and have used it on and off for several years. One source is
vita-fax corporation 727-443-1684 their product is [bylezime #3510 for app
13.95 +4.95 shipping.

It works best for me if I take it as soon as i eat any glutin if I wate some
time before using this I am sick for some time.

I get constipated and week instead of dirria and vomiting.  pardon the
typing I'm a chemist not a letters man.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The health food store told me to do the papaya pills but not the veratrum
unless I had spoken to a homeopathic doctor. My daughter is only three
and she said not to fool around with this unless I really knew what I was
doing. Someone else told me tohave her eat pineapples and the juice from
the can, and someone else suggested tonic water. I mixed some of that in her
juice when she seems like she may have eaten something that makes
her crabby.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I take them (papaya pills) every time I eat out or have an accident.  (My
experiences have are) All good.  No bad side-effects at all. It's just a
digestive enzyme.  If possible (take them immediately after ingestion of
gluten).  Somewhat (useful if you taken the papaya pills a day after
ingestion of gluten). When you hurt they always seem to help after awhile.
Yup (they are gluten-free). They break down protein, and gluten is a
protein. So it wouldn't  survive in papaya enzyme.  (You can purchase them
at) Any health food store I've ever been in has them.  Yup (it is safe for
an 11-yr old.  No (Papaya mint and papaya pills), they are not the same
thing. You want papaya enzyme.  I don't use the Veratrum because it didn't
help me, but some swear by it.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

i use 'parvenzyme' from freeda vitamins which contains papaya (i think
they also have pure papaya pills; all their products are gf; see
www.freedavitamins.com).  you need to take it immediately after food. i
don't know about any side effects; it's not extremely effective - it
just helps a little. what i found much more effective is to take
metamucil after a gluten accident. it still helps even if you take it a
few hours later.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

_____ told me about Papaya pills and has a lot more experience than I
do. I bought them at my local health food store and they DO know what
Celiac and gluten free mean! Not a lot, but they're getting there.
Anyway, I only used the papaya enzyme tablets once, and it was a long
while after my accidental ingestion of gluten. Hours later, I think. As
Vance had suggested I chewed three, and they did taste pleasant, and I
did feel relief almost immediately, within minutes. So I carry them with me

* * * * * * * * * * * *

A small salt water enema is better

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I have used the Veratrum ALB pills as you mentioned.  It is used for
nausea.  I dont know if it will help other symptoms.  It is important
that I not throw up.  I do it so violently that the last time I
punctured something and blood drained into my stosmach and then I
vomited that.  Pretty disgusting and I ended up in the emergency room
and in the hospital for several days to let it heal.  Once I realize I
am having a gluten attack I put them under my tongue and wait quietly
for it to begin to subside.... the nausea, overly hot then cold,
sometimes headache, swollen glands, etc, but these pills say they are
profuse sweating and nausea.  I bought them at Whole Foods, and it
indicates the dosage for babies under 2.  It just tastes like a sugar
pellet, quite like sprinkles to put on ice cream.  I have used 3 doses
in 24 hours.  they are gf...

Another thing that helps me is to get into a bathtub full of water as hot as
I can stand it and just try to relax.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

I have not tried Veratrum ALB 30C, but I have tried many, many other items
that are found only in a health food store, and they are safe for anyone to
take.  I use the ones for diaharrae (?), menopause, sore throat, achy
joints, bowel spasms, etc. and found them all to be pure ingredients, and
GF. There should not be any side effects, and they can be taken immediately
after ingesting gluten, and/or for hours after wards, until the symptoms
subside.  Any good reputable health food store should have a big book on
what the different pellets, pills, and such are for.  Papaya is also good
for indigestion, not everyone can use it though.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The healthfood store I went to only had 6x, stronger. I believe in
homeopathic so I bought them. I used them once. We had been eating in a
restaurant. Half an hour later I could feel things where not right. I
took one pill under the tongue, it melts very fast. Still felt
discomfort and took a second one. It worked, no diarrhea. I used Papaya
tablets for many years of and on, as a general digestive aid.   This was
before I had a diagnose, food allergy. It seems to help. It all started
by me reading an article about Hawaiians don't have ulcer because the
eat Papayas. My Father had problems with ulcers for over 20 years, on
the blend diet and the regular routine. I sent him a small bottle of
Papaya tablets. He liked the taste and asked why only sent so few? He
got two big bottles and used them. He lived for another 15 years and
never had more problem with ulcer. It is now known that ulcer is most
likely cost by a bacteria. No wonder it worked.

I also take Turmeric for inflammation, and put the powder on my blisters
from my eczema. Here is a couple of sites I use.
http://botanical.com/botanical/, [log in to unmask],
<http://www.drdavidwilliams.com/unsubscribe.htm> None of this are Celiac
sites, but I find a lot of help here.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

...Homeopathic remedies have NO side effects...worse case they just
don't work.  I have been using them for roughly thirty years.  My
adopted daughter, now 20, has used them since she arrived at age 2
months.  This is how I take the veratrum.  If I suddenly get that rumble
in the stomach, warning me that diarrhea is on its way...I pop two pills
under my tongue.  If perchance I didn't "catch" it in time, after the
bm, I take another two....take as needed.  Since I worked on my leaky
gut [which we all have, but many don't want to admit it], and it is
healthy, I raretlyl get a gluten reaction.  My nutrionist told me to
take the "formula" to heal the gut.  You know that undiagnosed celiacs,
those NOT on a gf diet have a very high rate of colon cancers.  Those on
a gf diet [and after the gut has healed] have a rate FAR below the norm.
A bonus is that the healthy gut is no longer lactose intolerant.
Forgive me if you've heard this before---the villi jut into the small
intestine like little fingers.  The enzymes that digest food...ie.
lactose...rest on the tip on the villi...the celiac wipes out the villi,
the enzymes have no place to rest...ergo...li.  If you rely solely on a
gf diet, it takes more than 3 years to heal the gut.  Taking the formula
shortened it for me to less than six months.  It is simple...AT EACH
Glutamine is an amino acid and acts like a catallyst.  Also gets oxygen
tot he brain. Probiotics is a very potent, mulit-strained form of
acidophilus..altho, reg yogurt or acidophilus won't work..too weak.
That's it...my internist shaid we should be taking this on a reg basis
even after the gut is healed.  A bonus is that you rarely, if ever get
stomach viruses etc.  Get a little pill bottle to keep with you so you
have them when you eat out.  It really makes a large difference quickly.
I felt 110% better within a week.