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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Print Reply
Fri, 26 Oct 2001 08:49:59 -0700
B. E. Irwin <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (157 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

For all those Canadian subscribers, please see below regarding bread mixes.



Barbara Irwin
[log in to unmask]  -- NOTE: new email address
Victoria, B.C.  Canada

                      The Roman Rule: The one who says it cannot be done
            should never interrupt the one who is doing it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2001 21:27:21 -0400
From: WebMaster CFIA <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [ISO-8859-1] 20011024 - ALLERGY ALERT / ALERTE =C0[ISO-8859-1]

Le texte francais suit le texte anglais.

Allergy alert - undeclared gluten in three gluten free juvela brand bread

OTTAWA, October 24, 2001 -  The Canadian Food Inspection Agency
(CFIA) is advising consumers with sensitivities to gluten not to consume
three varieties of Juvela brand Gluten Free bread mixes listed below. These
products may contain gluten that is not declared on the label.

This alert is of particular concern to those individuals who suffer adverse
reactions to gluten.

The following Juvela brand Gluten Free bread mixes are included in this

Low Protein Mix - UPC 7 310100 274663 - 500g
Low Protein Mix - UPC 5 016533 100037 - 500g

Gluten Free Mix - UPC 5 016533 100006 - 500g
Gluten Free Fibre Mix - UPC 5 016533 100013 - 500g

These products, manufactured in Sweden, are being voluntarily recalled by
the importer, Deroma Importing Co. Ltd., Laval, Quebec and have been
distributed in Manitoba, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. There has been one
illness reported that may be associated with the consumption of one of
these products.

CFIA is monitoring the effectiveness of the recall.

For more information, consumers and industry can call the CFIA at one of
the following numbers:

In the province of Quebec 1-800-561-3350; or
In other provinces and territories 1-800-442-2342.

For information on receiving calls by electronic mail, or for other food
facts, visit our web site at http://www.inspection.gc.ca


Media enquiries:

Tom Hauschild (English)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Office of Food Safety and Recall
(613) 368-1608

Benoit Blangez (French)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Office of Food Safety and Recall
(613) 760-4068



OTTAWA, le 24 octobre 2001 - L'Agence canadienne d'inspection des
aliments (ACIA) avise les personnes sensibles au gluten de ne pas
consommer les trois varietes de melanges a pain sans gluten de marque
Juvela qui sont mentionnees ci-apres. Ces produits peuvent contenir du
gluten alors qu'on n'en fait pas mention sur l'etiquette.

L'alerte s'adresse particulierement aux personnes chez qui le gluten
provoque des effets indesirables.

Les melanges a pain sans gluten suivants de marque Juvela sont vises par
cette mise en garde:

Low Protein Mix - CUP 7 310100 274663 - 500 g
Low Protein Mix - CUP 5 016533 100037 - 500 g
Gluten Free Mix - CUP 5 016533 100006 - 500 g
Gluten Free Fibre Mix - CUP 5 016533 100013 - 500 g

L'importateur, Deroma Importing Co. Ltd., de Laval (Quebec), retire
volontairement du marche ces produits qui ont ete fabriques en Suede et
distribues au Manitoba, en Alberta, en Ontario et au Quebec. Un cas de
maladie pouvant etre associe a la consommation d'un de ces produits a ete

L'ACIA surveille l'efficacite du rappel.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, les consommateurs et les gens de
l'industrie peuvent appeler l'ACIA aux numeros suivants :

Au Quebec : 1-800-561-3350
Dans les autres provinces et territoires : 1-800-442-2342

Pour savoir comment recevoir les rappels par courrier electronique ou pour
obtenir d'autres renseignements sur la salubrite des aliments, visitez notre
site Web a l'adresse http://www.inspection.gc.ca


Questions des medias :

Benoit Blangez (francais)
Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments
Bureau de la salubrite et des rappels des aliments
(613) 760-4068

Tom Hauschild (anglais)
Agence canadienne d'inspection des aliments
Bureau de la salubrite et des rappels des aliments
(613) 368-1608

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