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Simon Healey <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 15:42:25 -0500
text/plain (113 lines)
I apologize if this has already been posted or if EASI and AXSLIB-L members
have already seen this but I thought that this issue was of importance to
all involved with adaptive technology. Since I would not be able to get to
the hearing, I am posting to the listserv in hopes that others might attend
the meeting and that some of our leading lights (Dick, Prof Coombs, Axel
etc.) would help in educating our elected representatives on the House
committee and sub-committee that is hosting the hearing.

Simon Healey
MLIS  Dec. 2001
University of Pittsburgh
2001 ASCLA Century Scholar

----- Original Message -----
From: Justice For All Moderator <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 2:45 PM
Subject: ACTION ALERT!! House Hearing on Assistive Technology

> JUSTICE FOR ALL -- A Free Service of the
> American Association of People with Disabilities
> www.aapd-dc.org     www.jfanow.org
> "ACTION ALERT!!  House Hearing on Assistive Technology Act"
> Jane West <[log in to unmask]> and Ellin Nolan
> <[log in to unmask]> of the Association of Tech Act Projects
> write:
> ALERT........ALERT........ALERT..........ALERT
> House Holds Hearing on Assistive Technology Act on March 21
> On March 21, the Subcommittee on 21st Century
> Competitiveness of the Committee on Education and the
> Workforce in the U.S. House of Representatives will hold an
> oversight hearing on the Assistive Technology Act. The
> hearing will be chaired by Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA),
> chairman of the subcommittee.
> This is the first hearing the House of Representatives has
> held on this law in 9 years. It is the result of the
> tireless efforts of the disability community last year to
> save the Assistive Technology Act.  While the program was
> extended for one year last year, it is still in great
> jeopardy.  If there is no amendment to extend the program
> this year, 23 states will expire as of September 30, 2002.
> Mr. McKeon was critical in helping to secure the amendment
> last year. He is holding this hearing so the Subcommittee
> can learn more about the program and consider how to
> proceed.
> Since this law is new to the Subcommittee, many members are
> unaware of what assistive technology is and the incredible
> difference it makes in the lives of so many people with
> disabilities. This is a great opportunity to educate the
> Subcommittee and to demonstrate what a large constituency
> there is for this program!!  It is important that the
> Subcommittee understand how vital this law is to the
> disability community.
> ACTION TO TAKE............................................
> 1)   Attend the hearing on March 21.  Check the website
> (http://edworkforce.house.gov) or call the Committee (202-
> 225-4527) to find out the location. (It will likely be in
> the Rayburn building.) Bring all your friends!  We must
> fill the room to overflowing to show the Member how
> important this program is.
> 2) Call, FAX or e-mail your Representative and/or the
> Members of the Education and the Workforce Committee.  If
> you don't have a Member on the Committee, direct FAXES, e-
> mails and calls to Rep. Buck McKeon (Fax:  202-226-0683) or
> Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)(Fax: 202-225-0704), chair of the
> Education and the Workforce Committee or Rep. Patsy Mink,
> (D-HI) ranking Democrat on the Subcommittee (fax: 202-225-
> 4987).  Thank them for holding the hearing.  Tell them why
> the Assistive Technology Act is so important and the
> difference it makes in the lives of people with
> disabilities.  Tell them what would be lost in your state
> if the program were to be terminated.  Urge them to act to
> save the 23 states that are at risk of being terminated
> this year.
> 3) Share this ALERT with your colleagues. E-mail and fax
> this to all of your colleagues and urge them to contact
> their Representatives about the Assistive Technology Act.
> For more information contact Jane West (301-718-0979 or
> [log in to unmask]) or Ellin Nolan (202-289-3900 or
> [log in to unmask]) of the Association of Tech Act Projects.
> ###
> =====================
> There's strength in numbers!  Be a part of a national
> coalition of people with disabilities and join AAPD today.
> www.aapd-dc.org
> =====================================================================
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