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"Joel M. Blackman" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 14 May 2001 19:01:30 -0700
text/plain (28 lines)
My recollection is that the overdrive is not a standalone processor, but
exactly what it says, an overdrive for a Pentium processor.  I think those
things boost the performance of Pentiums (not PII's or PIII's).  By itself
it is not a processor, and I suspect the burning smell was his mobo frying,
especially since his old CPU would no longer work.
Subject: [PCBUILD] Changing Processors

Hi Folks, hope someone can help me. I am living proof that a little
knowledge is dangerous. I got hold of an Intel Pentium Overdive (that's what
it says on the sticker attached to the on-board fan) and I thought I would
try swapping it for the CyrixInstead processor I am currently using. No joy
there though, as the computer wouldn't boot so I swapped them back and
everything's hunky-dory. A friend of mine is having trouble with a noisy
processor fan in his tower system and I thought that this spare processor
might be swapped for his Intel Celeron processor thus maybe solving his
noise problem, but if performance suffered we would swap back. Now, there
must have been something I didn't consider before rashly charging ahead
because the Pentium processor didn't even start. Instead, I noticed a slight
electronic burning smell that I didn't like at all! When the original
Celeron processor was returned it wouldn't start either. I would be grateful
if someone could help me get my mates computer going again and restore my
good name. Thank you John Murray

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