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Mu Fedjo' <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Fri, 23 Oct 1998 09:14:04 -0500
text/plain (180 lines)
The following text was circulated on a Cameroonian mailing list.
My purpose of distributing it to Africans in Madison is not to defame Ghana
in anyway+ADs- it is to inform and raise the outrage that such acts deserve from
See what you think and can do to help put an end to this type of violence
against and contempt for Africa and Africans.
I would encourage sharing this with any African you know.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques Agboton +ADw-jsapublishing+AEA-WEBTV.NET+AD4-
Date: Thursday, October 22, 1998 4:28 PM


Some American lady went to Ghana to conduct research culminating in her
PhD theses, the title of which was: +ACI-Ghanaian attititudes towards
whites.+ACI- In this biased study, the lady only interviewed illiterates at
Teshie-Nungua (basically kenkey sellers and fishermen). Strange
questions were asked, and the responses were even more bizarre. To cut a
long story short, the people unanimously agreed that Whites are our
GODS, and that +ACI-if one goes to church and sees a white man, there is no
need of praying, because he has met his maker, his God.+ACI- When asked if
blacks can be as intelligent as whites, the uneducated people responded:
+ACI-A white man's stupidity is black man's genius. We have dark black
brains, thats why we can't think properly.+ACI- When asked if a black woman
+ACI-should be allowed to win a beauty pagent+ACI-, these fools said: +ACI-No,
because God straightened white women's hair, and they are prettier.+ACI-
This article is being published in the UK-based Ghanaian magazine Ghana
Review International (November issue), which I have a fresh copy. If
anyone one is interested, please email me and I will be glad to send you
This is just an exerpt. There are more parts that are more shocking.
Isn't this sad that in this age people in Ghana still feel this way,
just like our ancestors felt in the 1600s when white men came and said
the bible clearly states that they are our superiors, and therefore we
should be their subjects. Isn't it really embarrassing and sad to hear
these people say that the white man is really God? People obviously have
this Inferiority Complex Effect (ICE).
This explains why they were kissing Bill Clinton's behind. This also
explains why Jerry Rawlings is so popular because most of these
illiterates think he is +ACI-white+ACI- and therefore he must know it all.
I don't know about you, but this is the saddest news I've received in a
while. The magazine comes out next month. I will have multiple copies in
case you are interested.
The goodnews is that these are uneducated people. But it still bothers
me because these are mothers--the backbone of the family. And they are
passing this thing on from generation to generation. Apparently it has
stuck in people's minds since 1600 AD. Are there any Yaa Asantewaas and
Agyemang Prempehs left in our homeland?
Just look at what white people have done to us. The have done some
terrible things to us. We have been hung from trees, burned alive, shot,
butchered from limb to limb, denied freedom, put in jail, stolen from
our loved ones, denied a job, couldn't walk on the same side of the
side-walk. The list is endless. Yet a sample of the Ghanaian population
fervently believes that these people are Gods. If this is a dream,
somebody please wake me up from this mess.
Now, here comes the sadder part. This is painfully heartbreaking, and it
The author/researcher went on to say that Ghanaians love whites so much
that around the Accra airport and hotels, Ghanaian girls are walking
around looking for white men to sleep with, because they know white is
better and they do associate +ACI-whiteness+ACI- with riches. And so every white
man that jumps out of a plane can get any Ghanaian woman he wants.
Whites are a hot commodity in Ghana. As a result, there is prostitution
all over the place.
This of course, is very disturbing. Anxious to find out if this
prostitution is indeed true, I went into an internet search engine and
typed in +ACI-Prostitution in Ghana.+ACI- Shockingly, and embarassingly, I was
taken to a special site dedicated for white man looking for a chance to
go to Ghana to prove their dominion over our women. This is sad. Very
very sad. I copied it and herewith a copy of these white men's plan.
Please read it and help me send emails to the Ghanaian Newspapers
online. Let me take this opportunity to apologise to you all (including
a special apology to our dear webmaster) for the very offensive
language. Please come up with any ideas you have. At the end of the
document I provide a link to that site. Just before you read, it may
interest you to know that an Australian judge sentenced three white
Australian males to jail sentences for sending letters by post to Ghana
on how to set up prostitution rings. One of the men even displayed with
pride his email address. He has set up special sex parlours in Agona
Swedru where he he sends in his white friends (at a cost) to slepp with
Ghanaian women and give them walkmen for the sex service. Here it goes:
Very little is known here in Australia about West Africa. There are
squillions of asian migrants here and of course we white ozzies mostly
came from northern Europe, but you can walk the streets of Sydney (pop.
3.5 million, no mean city) for weeks and not see a really black face.
So I wrote a few letters to advertisers from Ghana in a lonely hearts
mag +AFs-yeah, snail mail+AF0- and was stunned by their style of ad and the
responses. Filipinas (of course) make the greatest contribution to them
with ads typically couched in words such as ?I am a devout catholic
+AFs-yeah, mine prayed for an hour each day+ACEAXQ-, honest (?), home-loving,
family-oriented? etc. etc, some even mentioning their alleged
+ACI-virginity+ACI- at age 36+ACE-
By contrast the Ghanaian babes are uninhibited, e.g., some openly
seeking +ACI-broad-minded, sexy men+ADs- I am interested in erotic pictures,
masturbation and making love+ACI-. Strangely 70+ACU- of such ads emanated from
just one town with a double name: Agona/Swedru. Well, after a +ACQ-2500 for
round-trip 38 hour flight by Egyptair and changing planes in Cairo, I
arrived in Accra the capital. Used to be the British Colony of the Gold
Coast until 1957 and English is the lingua franca.
It's a typical hot, bit scruffy tropical city, on the Atlantic Coast and
with a bearable climate.
The best hotel is the four-star +ACQ-120 a nite Novotel. I found and
recommend the +ACI-Korkdam+ACI- at +ACQ-12 -15 a nite: clean, very friendly,
restaurant, bar, air.cond, refrig. and private shower +ACY- toilet. This
isn't meant to be a travel piece but so little is known that a few words
should appear. Anyway, get the +ACI-Lonely Planet+ACI- guide to West Africa,
it's very accurate. All I'll add is that Ghana is NOT South Africa
+AFs-where I was mugged in Johannesburg and robbed of +ACQ-4000  everything
else+ACE- - KEEP AWAY from same, it's a sad, brooding, unhappy land at the
moment+AF0- By contrast Ghana is a stable, law-abiding, calm, orderly,
peaceful and exceptionally friendly place, very religious in a late 19th
Century London Missionary Society sense. Even other Africans acknowledge
that. In three months there I went everywhere, day and night, with never
an unpleasant incident+ACE-
I found my way to the 80 +AFs-rough African bus+AF0- km to Swedru and the
pleasant Hotel Ntiamoah, modern, pool, around +ACQ-25 a nite. Yes I met Rita
there who promised everything in her letters but wouldn't leave her big
brother's side when the chips were down. No matter, the word soon got
around town that an eligible +ACI-obroni+ACI- +AFs-white man+AF0- had arrived+ADs- visitors
soon came and my room phone ran hot. Jeez I had to schedule them:
Caroline, Gifty, Spendy, Doris, Agnes etc.+AFs-yes, such classic names are
common+AF0-. Each was gorgeous, like the best coffee: hot, strong, black and
full of flavour+ACE- Aged 20 - 30, voluptuous, beautiful big African butt,
fantastic breasts and hot and wild, do anything, suck you dry, cum in
their mouth, anal sex if you want +AFs-I don't+AF0-, screw all night, love being
on top, do all the work. I must be a tough old bastard to have survived
that week. No payment asked, but a few thousand Cedis +AFs-C1800 +AD0- US+ACQ-1.00+AF0-
would be welcomed and you should take some gifts, Raybans, a Walkman or
similar will make you like a king. It's the ambition of every one to
snare a white man and one succeeded. In short, I married one with a
little difference, she's a Liberian, refugee from a nasty civil war,
lots of them in Ghana. Cost +ACQ-2000 visa fees plus fares, much paperwork,
HIV-free certificate required, then a 12 months wait and a personal
visit by me to the Oz embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, (expensive, violent,
unattractive women - forget it) 6000km away for her visa +AFs-no Aust
Embassies in W. Africa+AF0-. You've never been to a wedding if you haven't
attended a West African one, such happy musical people. Now she's been
here nine months - wonderful, always happy and laughing, no PMT, loving,
hard-working, bright, reliable, and so naturally good-natured, genuinely
religiously devout thus faithful yet humorous. Wifewise forget Asians -
black is beautiful. And yes for those who wanna pay, visit any disco or
+ACI-joint+ACI- near Kwame Nkrumah Square in Accra - lots of happy chicks +AEA-
+ACQ-15-20 all nite with the above attractions.
Finally, I spent a few days in Abidjan, capital of the francophone Ivory
Coast or Cote d'Ivoire. Bigger western style city, but wild, violent,
corrupt. Costs much higher there, had only one chick, a woman of 22 from
the neighbouring Republic of Burkina Faso +AFs-ex Upper Volta+AF0-. Very
ordinary and at +ACQ-18 for a half hour, no bargain. Be adventurous and try
Ghana. I'm told little nearby Gambia is similar.
If anyone finds this of interest or wants a bit extra data or wishes to
share similiar experiences, I can be found at: jofm+AEA-ozemail.com.au.
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 1998 15:36:20 -0500
a place that was not mentioned for sexing beautiful willing women at a
very fair price is ghana. i am a white man and i don't even need to
visit prostitutes (but i love the adventure) as the ghanaian women are
quite beautiful and willing. since ghana wasn't specifically mentioned i
thought i'd mention a few places where wonderful sex can be had for a
small price, say maybe 20k cedis...many times for free if u let them
spend the night at your residence. there are beautiful and willing women
at the univ of kumasi. they generally don't have alot of +ACI-pocket money+ACI-
and this helps some to get by. ghanaian women are discrete in the fact
that it is not generally tolerated well to show open affection for your
partner-in public. but, when u get them in a private setting, house,
nat'l park, secluded beach, etc. they willingly go on that +ACI-honey ride+ACI-.
i have found most african women love sex and make no bones about it.
some really, and i mean really get off on it. i don't think i could ever
marry a white woman after experiencing the beauty and pleasures of the
african woman.