With gratitude to God Almighty and sorrow in our hearts, the Benin Royal
family wishes to announce the death of
Prince Stephen Osayande Eweka at New Jersey. USA
Funeral arrangement is as follows:
Viewing: December 20 at Perry Funeral Home. 34 Mercer Street, Newark, New
Jersey 3-6pm
Wake Keeping: Dec. 20: 8-10pm at his home, 1534 Totten st, Rahway, New Jersey.
Church Service and Burial: December 21 at 11AM Second Baptist Church, 378
E.Milton Avenue Rahway, New Jersey, USA
Donation in lieu of flowers can be sent to the following addresses:
1-Prince Vincent Eweka
5 Grace Place,
Lynbrook, NY !!563
Tel: 516-887-5223
2-Mrs Osa Eweka
1534 Totten St,
Rahway, New Jersey.
The family would appreciate your donation and presence at the funeral
service, as we bid Prince Osayande farewell.
He is survived by a wife, five children, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles
and a lot of cousins.
May his soul rest in eternal peace. Amen
Prince Ademola Iyi Eweka
Onbehalf of the Royal Family
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