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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Bakary Kanteh <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Oct 2001 13:19:06 +0100
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Dear Hasanatou,
I have worked with your uncle and i knew him to be a hardworking and honest
person. That was then but NOW, HE IS NOT for defending the indefensible,
corrupt and murderous APRC regime.This is not say that all persons working
for the APRC are in essence bad people, far from that, the fact of the
matter is that any normal person must have a conscience or awareness between
right and wrong, justice or injustice, but the most worrying problem with
people like your uncle: Sarjo Jallow who was also my former comrade is that
they betray the people upon defying the urgings of their conscience for just
nothing but a paltry prize. If you are a good niece to Sarjo, please advise
him to stop defending Yahya Jammeh and his gang of killers as simple as
I only hope that his conscience has not by now been destroyed by the Demon
personified as Yahya Jammeh in the Gambia.

God help us all!

The yoke of oppression must be shattered!


>From: Hasanatou Barry <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Golo Du Bai Eg/Hamjatta
>Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 11:01:12 +0000
>You know what earned Mohammed Ali the title: "Ali, The Great"? The Man was
>not only capable of throwing punches, but he was even better at receiving
>You are good at throwing nausea at people, but as soon as you are cornered
>you run into convulsions, frantically jumping up and down, typical monkey
>hysteria. All this long tirade of yours is nothing but pitiful. And i'll
>tell you why.
>Sarjo Jallow is not 'The Messiah' with a magic wand in hand. That with one
>strike Gambia's troubles will disappear into thin air. The last time that
>happened was when Cinderella got her Prince and 'She was delivered from
>forever after'. Brother, welcome to reality!
>My uncle initiated the first Bee-keeping light industry in the country
>whereby Gambians for the first time were able to sell their product
>He was then working for Action-Aid. Even IBAS were skeptical on the
>viability of the idea.  He was fired from Action-Aid because of 1) Refusing
>to hire a Mrs. Fatoumatta Ceesay from BB Darboe's(Vice President then )
>directives. He hired a guy called Bawan from Lamin village after the guy
>scored the highest in a given test, making him the most qualified.
>Immediately after his firing, Mrs. Fatoumatta Ceesay was hired. 2) Because
>he was "suspected" of being involved with the political party called
>Movement for Justice in Africa- Gambia section/wing; MOJA-G. The PPP
>machinery of terror incaserated him but were unable to proof that he was a
>MOJA-G member. For those who know my uncle(his MOJA-G friends), they can
>confirm that he used all his energy and meagre resources for this Party.
>During their stay in Sweden both himself and his wife helped Gambian
>students from Eastern Europe and Norway. By providing them with free board
>and lodging and getting them summer jobs to ease their financial
>among other things. He was among the people who worked for  and realised
>about half a million Swedish crowns for the Gambian Organisation in
>Stockholm, Sweden.
>>From: Hamjatta Kanteh <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Sarjo Jallow Is An Opportunistic Turncoat. Here Is Why ...
>>Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 14:44:08 EDT
>>Ms Barry,
>>Get a grip on your senses. Your foolish attempts to threaten me doesn't
>>and won't work - ever. I'm a lot tougher than that. Do you know how many
>>mails i average each time i write critically of the AFPRC/APRC record in
>>office, threatening me and my family??!! A screw must be loose somewhere
>>your brain for you to imagine that veiled or latent threats will simply
>>me up! I joined this List out of my own volition and when i leave the List
>>three weeks time - after the elections - it will also be out of my own
>>volition. Threats simply don't work with me. The only way you can possibly
>>silence me is to snuff the life force out of me. Even there and then, more
>>critics will simply pick up from where i left my indelible marks. So to
>>silence my fierce critiques of your uncle - in his capacity as a public
>>figure and an occupant of a tax-payer maintained instrument of influence -
>>you will have to engage me in a more civilised discourse as to why Sarjo
>>Jallow is not an opportunistic turncoat for supporting the AFPRC/APRC??!!
>>Needless to say that my interest in your uncle vis-a-vis his unbecoming
>>attitude or stance since he joined the AFPRC/APRC arise out of an
>>inquiry as per how compatible or incompatible his current position as a
>>spokesperson of the Jammeh gov't is with his former militant advocacy
>>the PPP when he used to be a MOJAG operative? That is to say that had
>>not been the occupant of a position of influence in the Gambian polity, i
>>couldn't have cared less what the man is up to. Be it noted: i've never
>>the man before and aside from some of the facts surrounding his political
>>activities of yore, i don't know anything about the Brother; and dare i
>>that i couldn't tell him from Adam were he to pass me by. So it wasn't and
>>never will be personal. The point has always been how members of MOJAG -
>>have opposed Jawara in such a heady and resolute fashion - could reconcile
>>their "progressive" views and stance with supporting and aiding the APRC -
>>formally and informally? That has always been the point.
>>Be all that as it is, i definitely understand why you are piqued at me. I
>>have and continue to be highly critically of Sarjo's role in the scheme of
>>APRC politics. Clearly, this will continue to ruffle the feathers of
>>interests. Let it be so; i couldn't have cared less how much i scared the
>>hell out of those who have reason to fear my criticality of Sarjo. Before
>>Sister Jay, Sarjo's wife, unceremoniously left this List last year -
>>subsequent to her farcical and lopsided critiques of Saiks - she and i had
>>argument over Sarjo Jallow's participation in the APRC regime. In that
>>argument, she pathetically tried to paint a revolutionary make-believe
>>picture of Sarjo Jallow ala Thomas Sankareh, i.e., the selfless African
>>proletariat working under poor conditions with a salary incommensurable to
>>his efforts, training and abilities. She forwarded another dissembling
>>argument in defense of Sarjo's continued participation in the APRC regime
>>pace the April Massacres of the innocent students. She held then that the
>>only way to exorcise, purify or purge the APRC regime of its devilry is
>>sincere individuals - like Sarjo - to work within the system and help
>>it meaningful. This, of course, is unadulterated nonsense. Try such
>>arguments with the simpletons of the APRC. The fact was and will always
>>remain that she was merely finding a convenient excuse to explain away
>>is inherently a radical change in Sarjo's politics. Needless to say that
>>doesn't convince reasonable and sophisticated folks with such a slipshod
>>utterly contemptible defense of her husband's hypocrisy. Consider:
>>1. Has Sarjo's continued participation in the scheme of APRC politics
>>end the illegal incarceration of Dumo Sarho, a former comrade?
>>2. Has Sarjo's continued membership of the APRC gov't brought about the
>>trial of those indicted by the Commission of Enquiry and the Coroner's
>>Inquest into the April Massacres?
>>3.What has he helped achieve vis-a-vis the rapid deterioration of the
>>Human Rights atmosphere, helped to precipitate by the bully-boy tactics of
>>the APRC regime?
>>4. Has his continued participation in the APRC regime helped ameliorate
>>sufferings of the legion of Gambian poor, made poorer by the kleptocracy
>>Jammeh's daylight looting of State coffers?
>>5. Are the families of the victims of the 11 November pogrom any nearer
>>justice for their loved ones?
>>6. Are other families - notably Koro Ceesay's family - any nearer knowing
>>circumstances in which their loved were heinously murdered by the
>>7. Insofar as the APRC's silly defence of such internationally proscribed
>>criminals like Baabaa Jobe are concerned, especially how such proscription
>>and its decrying by the APRC technically associates the regime with Baabaa
>>Jobe's illicit activities, what has Sarjo helped impact positively in the
>>which the State is being used to further private interests that are
>>to both the Gambia and the Gambian peoples' interests?
>>8. In what way has Sarjo's continued participation in the Jammeh gov't
>>the flagrant harassment and intimidation of journalists, especially given
>>that he was once SoS for information?
>>9. Given that Sarjo knows all about the illicit role Jammeh continues to
>>in propping up the Casamance insurrectionists' fight for an independent
>>Casamance and the dangers they present for social cohesion in the
>>has Sarjo's continued participation in the Jammeh regime impacted
>>on the chances of peace in that troubled region?
>>10. How can Sarjo reconcile his Marxist/Leftist/MOJAG views and advocacy
>>he was a member of MOJAG with the politics, policies and activities he is
>>helping to carry out against the interest of poor and rich Gambians alike
>>a member of Jammeh's cabinet? In other words, is the evil that Jammeh is
>>helping to wrought upon Gambians today what motivated Sarjo to agitate
>>against the PPP as a MOJAG activist?
>>Well. I can spend the whole day here enumerating reasons why Sarjo is a
>>turncoat. Clearly, the onus is on you to persuade reasonable folks why
>>ought not to be condemned. I'm not holding my breath. Be forewarned though
>>i'm taking no prisoners  in my final three weeks on this List. You want to
>>personal? Be my guest. I have nothing to lose. I don't make threats -
>>or latent. I do as i say. I have some three weeks left on this List; and
>>hopefully i will be using that period to positively propagate and defend
>>Alliance's stance. But if you and your ilk have no positive issues to
>>but to sink into gutter politics, i hope you are in it for the long-haul:
>>'cos this Brother ain't for turning and won't take it lying down. We can
>>either debate issues and agree to disagree peacefully and each is left to
>>dictates of his or her own conscience; or we can throw the gloves off and
>>jump into the gutter. Either way, i'm prepared for anything and in it for
>>long-haul. I can only hope for your own sake - and those you purport to
>>defend - that you are a long-distance runner and have enough punches to
>>throw. The choice, as we would say over here, is yours. Be it noted then
>>that: until October 19/20, we shall remain undeterred, unequivocal and
>>resolute in our campaign against Jammeh and all those who formally and or
>>informally align with him on this List and elsewhere.
>>Hamjatta Kanteh
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