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EASI's Library Accessibility Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
[log in to unmask], "DSSHE-L-LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 24 May 2005 06:56:29 -0700
EASI's Library Accessibility Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
Prof Norm Coombs <[log in to unmask]>
"" <[log in to unmask]>
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Fixes and patches no longer work to provide students and professors with
disabilities access to today's complex teaching and learning
technologies.  Nothing less than genuine, system-wide planning and
cooperation can do the job.  EASI's online course, Barrier-free Information
Technology provides the needed overview of the requirements of the
technology and of the people to provide the most level learning space in
all of history.

It is ideal for administrators, faculty, librarians, information and
instructional staff as well as anyone who is responsible to oversee
compliance with disability-related laws.

The course also will count toward earing the Certificate in Accessible
Information Technology.  Like other EASI courses, it is month-long,
instructor-led, interactive and given entirely online using the Web,
multimedia and e-mail.  The next presentation begins on June
6.  Registration information and a syllabus are available at:

Course lessons and Assignments

Lesson 1: Introductions and definitions
Part 1 introduction to the workshop;
Part 2 basic definitions
Part 3 E-mail and listserv discussion lists
Lesson 1 Assignments: Participant introductions.

Lesson 2: Four reasons to provide barrier-free technology
Part 1 it's the right thing to do;
Part 2 it makes economic sense;
Part 3 it's the law;
Part 4 participants should do it for themselves
Lesson 2 Assignment: Sharing relevant information.

Lesson 3: computer input problems and solutions
Part 1 Computer-related definitions
Part 2 Alternative input systems for people with motor impairments
Part 3 Alternative input devices for other disability groups Part 4 Lesson
2 Assignment Using Windows access features

Lesson 4: Computer output problems and solutions
Part 1: Output issues for users who are blind
Part 2: Output issues for users who have limited vision and users who have
visual or cognitive processing disabilities
Part 3: Output issues for other disability groups
Lesson 4: Revisiting previous assignments

Lesson 5: Compensatory Strategies and Disability Etiquette
art 1: What is a compensatory strategy?
Part 2: Do I have to be politically correct?
Part 3: Etiquette tips for service providers
Lesson 5 Assignment Disability-related resources on the World Wide Web

Lesson 6: Access to print information
Part 1: Creating and adapting electronic texts
Part 2: Problems related to braille and tactile drawings
Part 3: Creating texts for the web
Lesson 6 Assignment: Create 2 simple texts for use on the web

Lesson 7: Access to physical facilities and staff training
Part 1: Physical access to the computer itself
Part 2: Designing a model accessible work station
Part 3: Training the technology support staff
Lesson 7 Assignment: What do you have to know?

Lesson 8: Planning for an Accessible Campus or Institution
Part 1: Implications of decentralized computing
Part 2: Who do you need on your team?</
  Part 3: Looking at One Example
Lesson 8 Assignment: Developing a 12-18 month plan

EASI (Equal Access to Software and Information) is a non-profit
organization, and our mission is to make information technologies more
accessible to users
with disabilities.

EASI online courses for June:
Completing 5 courses earns the Certificate in Accessible Technology
Barrier-free Information Technology:
Learning Disabilities and Adaptive Info Tech:

Norman Coombs, Ph.D.
22196 Caminito Tasquillo
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
(949) 855-4852

Check out EASI New Synchronous Clinics:
EASI Home Page
Online courses  and Clinics
Check the EASI Library Web

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