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Fri, 21 Dec 2001 14:33:49 -0500
Cindy Holmes <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear listmates,

I need experienced opinions to help me figure out what to do next.  My
daughter's antibody (EMA) level is still elevated after a year on the
diet.  First a little history...

My daughter was diagnosed in January and I spent much time and effort on
researching foods, changing cooking procedures, buying separate
saucepans/colander, etc. (you know the drill).  We were very careful
although we did travel somewhat (I brought GF food with us).  My
daughter's symptoms went away; she gained weight, grew, and looked

So we were very surprised in August when her repeat antibody level was
much lower but not zero (70 from 230 originally).  Then we went totally
nuts and severely limited her food.  I have a list of every food,
medicine, and health & beauty product that she uses and I called almost
every company to verify the GF status.  Those that I didn't personally
call I had a copy of company letters from other sources verifying the
status.  We were fanatically careful with crumbs, serving spoons,
washing dishes, and we did not go to any other house or restaurant to
eat.  My daughter is paranoid about gluten and I know she does not cheat
(she's 11).

She had a repeat antibody test last week and I just found out that her
level is now 55.  So now what do we do?  Has anybody had experiences
with the antibody levels taking a long time to go down?  Have we missed
some unexpected source of gluten?  We have a water system for our well
water and have not been able to get satisfactory information from the
company.  Has anyone any knowledge about this being a culprit?  I saw an
ad for Gluten Home Test by ELISA Technologies -- we were thinking of
using this to check our water.  Has anyone used this or heard anything
about it?

I know this is sketchy so feel free to ask more detailed questions.  I'm
not sure what aspects are important.  Any and all suggestions,
questions, and reassurances would be greatly appreciated!

Cindy in MA