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Thu, 12 Jul 2001 08:07:32 -0400
Heather Doria <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to all who responded.  I have posted each response below

Thanks Again


~I'd be very careful about how you have your fillings
removed. It should be done by an expert to knows
all the pit-falls. Otherwise you could end up with
absorbing a lot of poisonous mercury during the
removal of the fillings. Most dentists ignore this problem.

Also after the removal many of the medical problems
created by the mercury will not go away.

I found that you need to take garlic to help slowly
remove the accumulated mercury in the body.

You may also have other problems which will persist
even if your mercury levels go down.

I found sodium bicarbonate and sea salt help with this.

These combat against acidity and loss of electrolytes
brought on by malabsorption/intolerances  due to chronic
mercury poison ingestion. These also combat against
fatigue. feeling of weakness, sluggishness,  etc.

After the fillings have been removed carefully you should find
that most intolerances should clear up fairly quickly.

A big problem is ordinary table salt which is found in most foods.

     Cheers,  Anand.

~Please keep reading about removing fillings-Dr. Mercola doesn't advocate
rushing out and removing them.  My sister-in-law had 3 removed and got very
sick for 3 months.  She went to a regular dentist, rather than an
environmental dentist, who knows what to do to remove mercury safely.  Her
dentist did not.  How about getting a pH test done of the saliva in the
mouth?  If it is acidic, then the metals in the teeth will go into solution,
but if it's closer to 7, it will not do so.  Changing your diet changes the
pH.  A health food store will probably be able to help you adjust your diet.
Or get some pH papers, and figure it out yourself.  Good luck.  Helen

~Ooops, Heather.  Looks like you have already found out about Dr.
Mercola's website.  He is awesome.  I'm sorry--I didn't look at the
website address you posted.  I do think I sent you a different article
of his, though.  Lorri
~Heather.  Yes, mercury fillings create a nightmare for some of us.  Me
included.  Please only go to a mercury free dentist who has been
trained in mercury removal.  When you remove mercury--it can cause you
to get sicker unless someone trained in mercury removal does it.  Most
dentists won't even hear of it--they say that it is safe.   The first
lawsuit has been filed, finally, in regards to the public being misled
about the dangers of mercury.  See this website;


A good book to read---Uninformed Consent--Dr. Hal Huggins---all about
mercury toxicity.  He trained many of the mercury free dentists in
this country.

You can probably find a mercury free dentist near you by using a search
engine and typing in "list of mercury free dentists".  I know there is
one online.  I've seen.  We have several here in Denver/Boulder, CO.

Good luck--you are on the road to better health!     Also--darkfield
cell microscopy can be done to see if you have a heavy metal ring
around your cells.   I do.  It is creating a mess in my body.
I'm currently working on detoxing them now.  Certain foods help.  One
can also have chelation therapy to remove the metals but the mouth
still needs to be done first--usually.   Where do you live?

Best to you dear heart, Lorri

~Thank you so much Heather.  I am sharing this web address with my Autism


~The metallic taste in your mouth can also be from a zinc deficiency.
You may want to get you zinc level tested.

~I wonder this too and I was thinking of having mine removed, but have heard
that can be a bad thing too.  Please let me know what else you find out.
Suzanne  :)
~IMHO no clear connction.  Mercury is plenty toxic on its own.

When the dentist drills out the old fillings there's LOTS of mercury (Hg)

talk w your dentist.

If an amalgam filling is deterioriating then you'll get more ambient Hg.
Have it replaced with a composite filling.  If it's solidly in place you'll
probably release more Hg in a few minutes getting it replaced than you would
in years of leaving it alone.

~Just a word of caiution - I've gone with alternate fillings in the past
(plastic?) and have found that they break pretty easily. Just something to
keep in mind.

~a lot of that metallic taste may well be you NOT drinking enough WATER!!!

~i had my eight fillings changed a year ago.  no immediate change but
six mos later no metallic taste and no chronic itching.  i am not dx

~Antibotics can also cause a metallic taste in one's mouth.  I did 10
days of biaxin not too long ago and the metalic taste disappeared 12
hours after the last pill. Thank goodness--my stomach had about all of
that it could take.

Changes in one's bit can also cause a metallic taste by
scratching/injuring a filling, exposing fresh metal. A dentist can check
the bit w/ carbon paper to see where/if there is a problem & then remove
the high spots causing the problem. Had that done recently as well.

Bev in Milwaukee
~I would not have my fillings removed!!  I would check with my doctor and
out if the taste in my mouth is from some other disease, like, liver or too
much copper in  my system.

Mitzi in Michigan
~In the meanwhile, you will probably find that selenium will knock out the
metalic taste while protecting you from the mercury.  Let me know what
happens if you try it.  I had sore gums for 2 years, and while heavy duty
bioflavenoids helped, when I began the selenium, my gums quit hurting in 4
days.  If I forgot it one day, my gums hurt that day.  Donna H
~I did a film with a guy that was in regular life a dentist. He said that
metal fillings other than gold were toxic.Most of his practice was removing
fillings and replacing them with gold or enamel. The scene we did was mostly
cut because he could say his lines. I later learned from him that he was so
high he could not function and went to rehab, so you should consider the
source.I think the metallic taste you have is not from the fillings but most
likely from your Celiac condition. It is also present in people under high
stress and emotions.  ~~Dave

Richard Cobble