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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Thu, 8 Mar 2001 20:11:09 EST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi Listmates,

My apologies for taking so long to respond.  Life has a way of running away
with my time!

Thank you so very much for all 20+ responses I received.  You are all so
helpful.  It is such a support to have this group to turn to when we are

Here is the summary of the information I received:
~ 6 people said that they & many Celiacs react to soy and/or gluten with
nausea, vomiting, etc.
~ 6 PEOPLE said that they had the same reaction to soy as they had to gluten
~ 1 person  said that they reacted with skin problems
~ 1 said that soy does not damage intestines
~ 1 said that soy does damage intestines, but not as badly
~ 1 suggested seeing an allergist
~ 2 said the reaction might be to another allergy such as milk, mushrooms,
or even hidden gluten
~ 2 people suggested that this might be an anaphylactic reaction & that I
should have a RAST test for soy & other food allergies
~ 1 [GI nurse] suggested that it could be a structural problem with the
esophagus, stomach, or small intestine.
~ 1 suggested reading Breaking the Vicious Cycle by E. Gollschall (SP??)
~ 3 suggested trying SOY web sites that might be of assistance
Thanks to all of you!

 My procrastination in writing this summary did have 1 benefit.  I
finally got in to see my GI today. ( He is impossibly busy...not a good
thing!).  He also had several suggestions that he wanted to pursue
including getting several ultrasounds, doing blood work, checking for
refractory sprue, and also seeing an allergist to do food allergy
testing.  (He must have read this web site! ) He also put me on
Protonix, hoping this is all just a good case of chronic indigestion...I
am really hoping that that is the only problem.  My THANKS again for ALL
of your information & especially your support.

My sincere best wishes,
Kathy C