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topspeedy <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Thu, 3 May 2001 10:36:12 -0400
text/plain (23 lines)
Hello listers!

I am involved with the local Division of Services for the Blind support group.  Several of the group members have started abowling leage for the blind/visually impaired in Jacksonville, North Carolina.  We are in the process of fund raising, so we can purchase equipment for our league and participate in tournaments outside of our area.  The local Department of Recreation have not been able to assist us, so we are responsible for raising our own money for the league.  This bowling league is a non-profit organization.

The staff members of the radio station of KOOL 98.7 are going to donate their time out to host a tournament as a fund raiser that is going to be held on Saturday, June 23, 2001 and they are going to do a live broadcast for us.  We are trying to get some really nice prizes for grand prizes to give away for this tournament and one of the prizes that we are trying to get is a computer package, so if anyone know of anyone or any computer company that would maybe donate us a computer package for a prize, please forward me their names or the manes of the companies.  Also if the company will be able to help us in our cause, in any way possible the company will receive free commissions on air during our tournament.

If anyone needs further information, please give me a call at (910) 324-4091 or e-mail me.  If anyone is interested about giving a cash donation or can doante a prize for grand prizes you can feel free to mail them to me at 796 Haw Branch Rd.  Beulaville, NC 28518.

We would really appreciate it very much, if anyone can help us in our cause, in any way possible.  Thank you very much!


Mary Carlyle

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