On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Hilary McClure wrote:
> It sounds
> like they are way ahead of average Americans on just about every health
> measure, and I have some guesses as to why:
> 1. Fewer calories in general, and fewer sugars and starches, meaning
> lower insulin response and therefore maintaining higher lifelong insulin
> sensitivity. (Americans, aside from overeating, consume an average of 55
> gallons of soda per year, not to mention candy bars, and the starches,
> which act the same as sugar.) Insulin itself, insulin resistance, and
> elevated blood sugar play a major role in probably all of our major
> degenerative diseases.
> 2. Fewer extracted vegetable oils or hydrogenated oils, meaning fewer
> inflammatory responses (which includes heart disease, among others).
> 3. Generally less processed food, so less oxidized cholesterol, less
> salt, and less destruction of micronutrients.
> 4. Lots more of the anti-cancer substances in vegetables and fruits."
It may be that these factors that you have listed are more
important than paleo purity.
Todd Moody
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