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"Michael H. Collis" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Sun, 18 Feb 2001 15:45:24 -0500
text/plain (43 lines)
Rayna, You Go, Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rayna Lamb wrote:

> And I'm not even going to MENTION the sort of cruel, vicsious
> things my family have said, and still say to me.  But one day a couple
> of months ago I had had enough (I don't mind genuine ignorance when
> people are polite and get their timing right, but invasive stupidity
> is another thing altogether).  I was at the train station and this guy
> was talking to the railway employee who had the ramp for me to get on
> the train.  Apparently he was studying psychology and was working at
> the local spinal rehab hospital, and he was talking about it in such a
> patronising way - like he was doing the people there such a great
> favour by `helping' the `less fortunate' (Not his exact words but his
> tone of voice).  And during all this my internal d**k h**d detector
> was pretty sure that this prat was going to say something to me before
> I got on the train.  Bullseye!!  He turned and noticed me and said
> `careful you don't get a speeding ticket on that', and I said `well at
> least I won't get a ticket for making stupid comments' (I know, not one
> of my best but I was caught on the hop!!) He thought I was joking!!
> and I'm not a subtle person, it is very obvious when I'm angry, and I
> was ANGRY.  So I started telling him off about invading my privacy and
> space and being patronising etc.  He didn't like that one bit, after
> all he was doing his good deed for the day paying attention to a poor
> pathetic cripple who obviously has nothing else good in her life.  So
> he started yelling at me (can't remember what he said, but he wasn't
> happy), the train came, Railway guy puts the ramps up for me, psych(o)
> guy was still ranting at me, and he stands right in front of the ramp
> so I can't roll on, and he is STILL yelling, and so I deliberately ran
> right over his feet on to the train - and I didn't feel one bit
> guilty!!  In fact it still gives me a kick.
> I now know too many wonderful AB's who treat me with dignity and
> respect (and even one or two great professionals), to tolerate even
> for a minute those who won't.
> I know I've gone on a bit, but I though you guys would appreciate this
> story!
> Rayna