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Carla MacInnis <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Wed, 28 Mar 2001 13:40:27 -0400
text/plain (86 lines)

  I'd recommend that you strongly consider going to a chiropractor for a "gentle"
adjustment of the neck. Resolve that issue, and the rest will take care of itself. Seems
all the secondary stuff originates from that head-neck injury.

  If you're not already, take 1000 units of Vit C daily - will help with inflammation,
while concurrently addressing the spasming. Reduce the inflammation, and spasming
subsides. The inflammation is a consequence of the muscles fighting with each other :)

  Explain to the chiropractor the nature of the type of cp you have and how it impacts
your daily life. Passive adjustment along the spinal column might also be of help.

  Most of us with cerebral palsy and other such neurological disorders lack sufficient
magnesium, or absorb what we take in very quickly to make up for deficits. You can
comfortably step up the magnesium dosage by double. Take some in the morning, and some in
the evening. I've been doing that for some time, with great result.

  It's great that you have access to the hospital pool. Do you have therapy of some sort
at the same time? If not, you might consider scheduling sessions in the water with range
of motion exercises.

  At home, you can apply moist heat to the neck area and introduce gentle movement. The
heat will reduce discomfort while you are stretching muscles. I often take a damp hand
towel and heat it in the microwave and apply to aching joints and do gentle range of
motion exercises. Mostly with my elbows and wrists.

  Hope this helps.



   Rayna Lamb wrote:

> Carla,
> Most of the pain at the moment is related to a bad fall I had a couple
> of months ago, hit my head, crunched my neck, pinched nerves in neck,
> woke up two weeks later with my neck locked to one side, doc at ER
> said it is `wry neck', physio worked on it till I could move again.
> The falls are because I haven't been able to get exercize lately, the
> pool near me only has a hoist on the outside (Olympic-sized) pool (I
> don't swim where I can't touch bottom with my feet at all times) Hand
> rails on inside pool only reach a foot out of the water - at 5'10" I
> need rails that are higher.  Not prepared to get pool staff to lift me
> in and out - not big on physical contact with strangers.  No energy to
> agitate for better access.  All other accessable pools are not on
> accessible trans. route, can't afford taxis, have to book a week in
> advance for volunteer transport (at least).  BUT finally got approval
> last week to use the pool at my local hospital!!!
> Pain currently in neck - v. bad esp with natural muscle spasms and
> excess movement
> Also in shoulders, and hands, fingers esp - sharp periodic pain (not
> arthritic - been tested) that stops me breathing occasionally, also
> occas. hurts to hold books, turn pages (books are my LIFE), also
> stiffness, my co-ordination has lessed over the last couple of years.
> Also pain in legs, occasion. sharp pain like leg is clamped in a vice,
> doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it leaves me breathless
> and screaming.
> Very occasional sharp pains in my chest ever since I had bronchitis the
> first few years here in Perth.
> I have been taking magnesium/calcium tablets for a couple of months
> religously (as in `Oh please god let this work!) Also small doses of
> Baclofen and very occasional valium just to get me through until I can
> get regular gentle non-weight bearing exercise.  Don't like the idea
> of getting addicted so it is only a temporary measure BELIEVE ME.
> I am hoping that starting swimming again will help, but any other
> suggestions you could offer I would be eternally grateful for, I trust
> your judgement more than I do the doctors.
> Many, many thanks
> Rayna
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 12:07:44PM -0400, Carla MacInnis wrote:
>     Hi Rayna,
>       Describe your pain. In detail. Neck? Shoulders? Forearms? Wrists? Ankles? Do you
>     experience rib cage pain or chest pain of any kind? I may have some suggestions to
>     help you
>     Cheers!
>     Carla